A Sediment substrate that works

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Hi Bob

Interesting post...how deeply do you disturb your sand bed when you do maintenance? Just the surface or do you dig down to the bottom?

Mojo....still surfing around looking at substrates....right now looking at a few different ones that are slightly coarser than oolitic aragonite....

Mike, I'm a top-sider :lol: The design here will also work if organics are removed in this model infrequently, otherwise disturbing the plenum too often will result in denitrification gone awray. My p/dsb[6"] was set up in Mar94/Joubert model with the big difference being cleaning the dsb weekly[old habits are difficult to break] As I did in the early 70's, I use a funnel-siphon to stirr up the sand, removing accumulated nutrient waste[read:p04] every wk w/o fail.[OCD? :D ]. I never disturb the plenum. Denitrification keeps the N03's in line :) Nikki, I replenish about 1/3 of the sand/yr. lost thru this routine on a as needed basis. I do not need macro-critters as they get sucked up in the funneling. This routine enables me to clean about 1/3 of the dsb weekly down to the plenum. As the dsb acts as a P04 sponge[good thing] it is easy to removes these nutrients in this manner. My method works best in a refugium set-up as a filled reef obviously would not be conductive to thorough sand cleaning. The model here is ideal for the main & you all have had good discussions regarding it's detail construction. Bob
As the dsb acts as a P04 sponge[good thing]

LOL Ok somehow I knew that would be coming, hehehe. We can do another thread on that one.

OK so is the micron mesh of the above screen going to work???? if so then lets go after some substraights??

ROFL Bob :D Man you mean I have to wait for the second date????? :oops:

Bob I have to admit it is always fun to discuss things with you. So IMO how do things look so far and what would you concider a good particle size for this thing????

Mike, I'm posting while inside a imperviable, absolutely delightful bunker here in Afganistan :lol: Although I do have some concerns, it's really a go with what you all have discussed as to how the model will function. Personally, I have always found CarbiSea Special Reeffloor sand to be perfect for all aquarium applications. Differing sand diameters are not necessary & only impede the diffusion process with increased clogging. Mike, can you tell me the depth of the dsb? thnx. Bob
Bob thats where we are at. if that mesh of nylon is a go, we are at the depth and grain size stage. the grain size will dictate the depth and visa verca. So lets all get or opinions and reasoning out thier.

bobgoode said:
I have always found CarbiSea Special Reeffloor sand to be perfect for all aquarium applications.

Oooppsss....I missed that in your post, sorry... :lol:

I think that would maybe be a good choice over the mesh...

Well caribsea is a little finer then I would like to see but I guess it has alot to do with depth. SO if we go this fine, what depth do you figure.

MikeS - that is about the depth I was thinking. I would not like to see this deeper than 4 for sure. Maybe between 2-3 inches.
mojo....what are your thoughts on this being too fine of a material?

Well the finer the particles the more compact, the more compact the less diffusion. But three inches might be ok. but you haveto remove the dust first.

mojoreef said:
Well the finer the particles the more compact, the more compact the less diffusion. But three inches might be ok. but you haveto remove the dust first.


I see your point. But, maybe what good we lose in amount of diffusion we'll gain in total equalness of diffusion throughout the "slower" sandbed?

I plan on removing the dust from mine by drying back and seiveing....just a side question...will the high heat for drying back (like 350 F) harm the sand in any possible way? I don't think so, but I was just wondering....

MikeS - I don't see any reason why you couldn't heat it up. I just wonder why bother? If you use RO/DI to rinse it. I guess we don't need to worry about the fine dust collecting bacteria? I always thought the dust was a good thing because you get more bacteria that way. Please remember it is early for me, so my thinking isn't clear yet.
Nikki....the reason I'm going to heat it is to drive out all the moisture, it makes seiveing the product much easier...I'm going to use the equipment at the Materials Lab at work to do this...

Doh - I knew it was early. OK - I think I understand....you are going to heat the dry substrate then run it through a seive. For some reason I was imagining rinsing it then running it through a seive. Do I understand correctly?