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Great thread Michael! I really enjoyed reading it, and you definately have skills with the camera.

A few questions:
1) On thread 11-12-2010 04:00 PM, the top picture has a picture of a blue fish with a red face that is beautiful. What is the name of this fish?
2) How did you get your purple and red monti to grow like that? I assume you start with one and add the other?
3) You started your rock with a couple big piles, and changed it to more of a wall. What was the thinking there? Were you trying to fit more corals?

Thank you, very much!

1. Red Headed Solon Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis)
2. I had a HUGE colony of the Orange Monitpora cap. When I got rid of it, I kept a small frag and placed it, along with a small frag of the Idaho Grape Moni, near one another, actually hoping to grow them together. Scrolling or Plating Montipora are usually pretty well behaved, when it comes to growing similar pieces, together.
3. Originally, I wanted 3 areas of rocks. It just never looked right. Whenever newer hobbyists ask me about aqua-scaping, I tell them not to worry about getting it "right" the first try, because they'll end up rearranging it 5 or 6 times, until they end up with something they like, anyway...lol. I'm a prime example of that method. It's hard to tell, from pictures, but your rock work actually has several caves or tunnels, that are fairly large, to allow fish to swim through the rock work and give fish their own "territories," while still giving us plenty of area to attach corals.
Some of the corals we picked up, at the PSAS Frag Swap, a few days ago!

Please excuse some of the bad photos. I really need to polish my look down box.


ORA Micronesian Mauve. We actually got this one from Barrier Reef, after the frag swap.


Pink Jade








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Nice stuff!!!!!!

Sure........................................... you got money to go to the big city, but you can't make it over here. Well, now at least I know where we rate on the totem pole.
Well if you accidentally break off any frags while re-aquascaping keep me in mind! ;) Good luck with it though! Well, kinda! haha
Nice stuff!!!!!!

Sure........................................... you got money to go to the big city, but you can't make it over here. Well, now at least I know where we rate on the totem pole.

Well, your meeting, last month, was when we'd wanted to come over and were broke...lol. Tax return, since then...lol.

Well if you accidentally break off any frags while re-aquascaping keep me in mind! ;) Good luck with it though! Well, kinda! haha

Hint taken...lol. I'd imagine I can oblige.


Nice looking stuff...like the blasto and montipora....

Thank you Kirk!! Hope to get to meet up with you, next time we're over the mountains!
I was gonna ask when you were going to post what you got. =) How about the stuff from Coral Props? Wish I would have gotten that mini. I just have too many bills right now. Nice corals. I love that pink jade.
I was gonna ask when you were going to post what you got. =) How about the stuff from Coral Props? Wish I would have gotten that mini. I just have too many bills right now. Nice corals. I love that pink jade.

Well, I only posted a portion of what we brought home, from the Frag Swap. Here's the 3 Zoanthids, we brought home from Coral Props. Yeah, I'm regretting not getting that mini, as well. I think it'd go really well, in Angie's Nano. Maybe next time...lol.

Not the best pictures.



all looking pretty good,,,next time stop by ,,i might have a piece of "ATL Purple Heart" for you:)

Thank you Dang! We wanted to meet up with you, while over there, but we had such limited time. We needed to get back here, Saturday evening, for our own club's meeting Sunday. It was just a quick trip, over and back. Next time, we'll have more time to spare. We'd DEFINTELY LOVE a piece of the ATL Purple Heart! Please save one for us!

Hey, wait a minute....

You've been saying, for 3 years, that you're heading over our way. Ya know, I-90 does run west AND EAST!! lol
Holy moses! Angie has great taste. Tell her that. When those zoas grow, I would love to get some from you. :) The mini's are really cool. In the future, I will get some more. I think you guys would really like them. Didn't you get some SPS from Henk? Lets see those next. You are setting up another tank? LOL! You know what? I want to set another one up as well. What is wrong with us?!?! :jaw:
LOL! Sorry Michael. I thought you weren't into zoas? I figured Angie picked them all out. Well, you did an excellent job as well. LOL. I LOVE the bright orange skirts around that first zoa! You both have excellent taste. =)

So.....you are setting up another 40 breeder hmmm? ;-) That will make 4 tanks? Well, now I am going to have to get another one. I am behind! LOL! J/k. I would love to set up the half cylinder I have in our garage as a frag tank/reef probably, but I think Lennon would kill me. He always tells me, "You have enough tanks!" Oh...come on...1 more? Haha. The sickness is bad....
LOL I got her hooked on Zoanthids! It was my way of getting her to let me buy more! It worked out quite well!

Well, one 40 is set up in the basement (the one that used to be in the living room). It's moving back upstairs, now that Kaytlin's lizard tank is at her house. The second 40 will probably be set up, I just don't know when.
Since I had to spend a few hours scraping coralline algae today, which I HATE doing, and only do about once every 4 months...lol...I figured I'd snap a few photos. By the way, here's the reason I had to scrape, http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/f244/coral-props-makes-media-60261/ .

These are the first full tank shots I've taken, since early November...lol. That was the last time I scraped.



Here's a few random pictures, through clean glass...lol. The water's a little dirty, from massive coralline dust floating everywhere.

Grrr. Mushrooms that migrated from the 75. I thought I'd eradicated ALL of them, when I moved everything over to the 200. A few months later, I saw one pop up on this rock. Now....






Have you used the dozer from mighty magnets?? take the coralline algae off your glass or acrylic in a matter of minutes..on my acrylic tank I had a thick coat of coralline algae on the side of the front of the tank...literally, in a matter of 1 minute I had a clean tank...best $4.50 I spent. :)

Have you used the dozer from mighty magnets?? take the coralline algae off your glass or acrylic in a matter of minutes..on my acrylic tank I had a thick coat of coralline algae on the side of the front of the tank...literally, in a matter of 1 minute I had a clean tank...best $4.50 I spent. :)

No, I haven't, though I've read about them and considered it. Maybe I need to consider it a little more seriously...lol. I absolutely LOATHE scraping coralline!! Especially in a 27" deep tank!

$4.50?? I thought they were much more expensive than that! Looking at the website, I'm seeing $85.00 for the least expensive magnet.

Can the "dozer" be used on a MagFloat or do you have to purchase Mighty Magnets algae cleaners?
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