ac7av tank build

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between you, Floyd, Justin and a couple others I haven't bought anything but dry goods at the pet store in almost a year.
I have to agree about the Sarcophyton, it had a bit of a setback when the anemone started stinging the heck out of it but its back to almost normal and I have a picture I took of my tank, full tank shot, right after getting it from you once it settled in and it looks almost twice as big today then that old picture. Not twice as wide but twice the area. Its hard to see it growing when you look at your stuff all the time but the pictures sure let you know how things are growing. Ive been watching that new tank build of yours, that's going to be a sweet set up.
40th Birthday

The before party,
and the after the party gets lubricated.
By the way those are 151 shots.
Sorry the videos are not appropriate to show here.




Hey Erik, Happy Birthday! Looks like you all had a good time. Been a long long time since I've done 151 shots, now prefer sippin fine Whiskey or Tequila. I'll be celebrating my big 5-0 this September and will do my best at killin a bottle of Patron Anejo. Anyway have a great day and maybe a double Bloody Mary for breakfast and you will be fine.

Cheers, Todd
Actually I’m fine. I quit very early because I knew I would have to get up with the kids. I was up at 7:30am. My wife and neighbor aka bowl hat people on the other hand are a little worse for ware this morning but all was good.

Anyway that was my first 151 shots and probably my last. That stuff wont put hair in you chest, it will burn it off.
40???? :confused:. I though you were just a kid in his 20's :lol:. Happy Birthday dude!! The strongest it gets for me is Vick's cough syrup and a dose of that one time I'll never forget for a runny nose had me lost trying to find my way home so I can only imagine what 151 would do :p
Its been a while since I posted anything on the build. I have not made any changes. Just running things as usual and trying not to rock the boat. No new fish, no new corals, no new equipment and no failure, floods or losses. I am just about to join the foot long fish club with my Vlamingi Tang. I drew some measuring lines on the tank with a dry erase marker to measure and a picture with the camera to get a still so I can make a good estimate. It looks like she is about 11 3/4in maybe a smig more but not 12in yet. Give it a month or so and I think she will be a foot. Its hard to believe that a year and a half ago it was only 3 inches long.

I still have no luck with any coraline algae in the tank. This one just remains a mystery. Even after a year of running higher levels, still nothing. What little starts to grow, just crumbles away in a few weeks.

I had to move my big toadstool leather months ago because it was getting the crap stung out of it by the anemone. Its recovering but it will be a while before its back like it was. Oh by the way the anemone split some 6 months ago shortly after it started moving around a bit. I wish I could get my finger behind one of them to give away. One nem in the tank is enough.

All the fish are getting bigger and everyone is still getting along well. Still wish I had never put the coral banded shrimp in the tank. I still think its responsible for small health fish randomly missing over night.

Correction on the fish all getting along, my pair of pajama cardinals are not getting along all of a sudden after 2 years. I don’t know what the deal is with that. They were always stuck together like velcro and all of a sudden the one I’m sure is the male started chasing the other and nipping its tail fin. I understand adult males can fight or maybe is adult females but in any case I’m 90% sure I have one of each and have posted pictures of them before for identification and they are clearly different.
Those Vlamingi are a really nice fish, always eating never fighting but they do love to swim and at high speeds, Mine grew to about 22 and change inches before I had to donate it to the Public Aquarium as its high speed turns were sending splashes about 8 inches out of the tank, cant tell you haw many bulbs he blew, lol. Here is a picture when it was around 14 inches.

Hey Bud, whats up ? Lonnnng time no see, been wondering about what you were up to and hoping that all was going well. Glad to hear your still at it and everything growing into a nice mature system. How would you like a big healthy Yellow Tang 5" for that tank of yours, mine has outgrown my lil 75g and not getting along with the Powder Blue lately. The new 125 is almost ready to get wet and will be primarily Hawaiian fish from my trip to Oahu. I still need to stop by one of these days when up your way and check it all out.

Cheers, Todd
I know what you mean. This one is splashing water out of the tank too, but always at you. Its not random splashing. It just hit one of the kids sitting 3 chars away at the bar counter yesterday. Usually just slashes at you when its time to eat and I forgot. Its kind of like a dog like that. They like the routine. I was thinking the same thing about donating to some place this next year. Or to someone with a seriously large tank. You are right though, model citizen, you couldn’t ask for a better fish.
Funny you mentioned the yellow tang. I was thinking just the other day if I got any other fish it would be a yellow tang. I was thinking of adding a very small one so to not disturb the order of things in the tank. As much as I would love any of the fish from you tank a 5 incher would be the same size of most of the rest of my tangs. I think I got lucky with adding the sailfin and rabbit that I got last year from Jason. I had no problem at all but everyone always says you just never know how its going to turn out and Im just to chicken to ad anything else at this time. A year ago I would have jumped on it because I was still in the building phase, but I feel my luck could be running thin on compatibility front, especially with 2 other similar shaped tangs already in the tank.

Hows that new tank coming along? Are you building it onto the wall on the kitchen side like you were talking about?
The new tank is finally getting close, as soon as the tiling is done can get some water in it. Its going on opposite wall from the 75 and will have to do for another 2 years maybe. If all goes well will start the mechanical/fish room under the house next Spring. I caught a beautiful lil' Blochii (Ringtail) Tang of about 3" that will get to about 16-17" along with a 2" Naso and tiny Yellow so, the 300-500 will be necessary by that time if I plan to keep them. I would so much love to have room enough for a pair of adult Naso with the Blochii along with a trio or more of Yellow Tangs for the future system. I give you a call next time before heading up the Island.

Cheers, Todd
Sounds like you had a good time in Oaho. I would love to go back to the islands some day. Your always welcome Todd, just give me a ring to make sure someone is home. I will get some currant pictures and videos up of the tank later this after noon. Its been a long time since I even uploaded any, I hope I can remember how.

Currant test readings for today since im thinking about it for the record. I don’t know if they are good bad or indifference but it is what it is.
PH 8.0
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 5ppm
Ammonia 0ppm
KH dKH7 125.3 ppm
magnesium 1400ppm
calcium 380ppm
phosphate lost color card
salinity @ 33ppt
Super nice Tang collection Erik, that Vlamingi is outstanding. I'm so looking forward to watching my new Tangs develope into adults and hope they are as accepting of one another as your group is.

Cheers, Todd

good to see you you have a Tang poplulation, I am adding to my large angel population.

I now have the following angels in my tank:

Passer (King)
pair of flame angels

I would like to add 2-4 more angels to make sure the aggression is held at bay or minimal at best.

you can view this fish via my WebCam; just click the WebCam link under my signature to go to the website, log on information is listed there as well.

Hi Kirk,
I stopped by your web cam earlier this after noon to take a look. I just love those butterflies. Have you thought of putting a camera in the tank, in a small water proof box? I’ve been looking at some cameras to try that in my tank. That way I can see them on my phone when im out. Its not really possible for me to have one external like you since I have such a bad glare from the windows during the day.

It feels nice to be back on line and Im looking forward to causing more trouble for all the canister filter haters out there this winter. HiHi

I like the BFs too..yellow pyramid butterflies from Les (WPH)..the yellow face only comes from Hawaii.

I have, the GoPro comes to mind, but before I do that I want to finish stocking my tank with a couple more angels.
