ac7av tank build

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Marine mysis shrimp
Marine angle food
Marine mega algae’s
Nori sheets
Nothing with any dyes and should be just natural stuff from the ocean. The packages are almost empty so I can read the full ingrediance but it’s the same stuff Ive been feeding for probably 6 months. By the way, by the time I got home today the skimmer was already overflowing with kool aid.

Sooo I replaced the carbon today to help, hopefully.
The simple things just make the biggest difference.
Just a dollars worth the tubing from ACE makes empting the skimmer so nice.


Dude just tell me you do not have to suck to get that syphon started. A mouth full of saltwater I can handle, a mouth full of skimmer juice is another story.
Hey once you go skimmer you never go back. He he.
No just pop the cork and let it rip into the container.
I decided not have it constantly going into a container just in case something happened. If figured it would be safer just letting it over flow the cup then a external container if something went crazy. I just use the rubber plug that was on the skimmer cup to cork the hose. Fits perfectly.
Just sitting on the sofa last night and decided to put some update videos on the thread. Things are looking so much better after the changes to the sump.

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No I don’t.
It stopped in like a 24 hour period. The liquid is now brown like it always was and doesn’t smell anything like it did when it was red. That was come crazy stuff. I never seen anyone with skimmer liquid like that.
Oh, by the way here is another video. Some times I forget why it looks like dust in the water all the time and is not all dust. A considerable amount of it is zooplankton. No wonder my small fish always look like they are eating something. You just cant see it unless you turn the pumps off because they are just too small.

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So today my big anemone started moving. Its kind of freaking me out. I don’t know what promoted it to start looking for a new home but its not making me very happy and the clowns are upset too. It moved from the place its been since I put it in the tank some 6 or more month ago. Its sliding across the back of the tank behind the rock that is wallpapered on the back. The room is so slim the fish don’t even go there but its sliding threw with not problem. Everything in the tank has been looking real nice lately and I don’t want any change in the status. I have been working on stuff based on it staying where it was. I really don’t want to have to move anything since everything is glued down or already growing out of a hole in a rock so it will not make moving anything easy. I have not changed anything in the tank. Nothing at all. Why the sudden and drastic movement? Who knows. Right now its some ware behind my big toad umbrella.

If they duck behind they are either bothered by the flow, or the lighting is not right, or he is getting ready to split.
Well I had just been thinking that this guy had not split since I got him. I don’t know how often they split but when its open it was getting around 15-16 inches round. I haven’t moved the power heads in months and the lighting is the same since I put the phoenix bulbs in a while a go. Temp is always the same. The only thing I’ve changed is the new sump and feeding a little less. Well if it is splitting then I guess is was probably going to happen some time or another, I just wish it would have stayed put. I guess I will see what happens in the next week or so.
Do I need to move stuff. Or can I put a cover over it and make it move? This is definitely not where I want it. Smack dab in the middle behind the stool and below some other stuff I like and not easily moveable. If you don’t think it will sting the crap out of every thing in the picture then I wont worry about it but talk about putting it smack dab in the middle of every thing.

The nem is not open like it can. It will be 5 times bigger when open. I hope its just splitting, at least it will be smaller and maybe I will have a chance to scoop one out and pass it along to someone. I only want one in the tank. 2 is tooooooo many.

Being the originator of the anemone in which you got, ..I have seen this many a times in my tank..this behavior means it is going to split, it is looking for a place to hide so it can split..

just before it would split, it looks like it is almost dead, but then, hello another one appears.. :)

<side note: if you get a chance to watch this behavior, it is amusing..there is NO orifice so do NOT feed it if it is splitting, after it is done (which can take a couple of days), there will be two orifices>.

Let nature take its course and all will be well.
Thanks Kirk
It had been looking under the weather for a couple of days before it started moving. As you can see from the video a few posts back on the 21st it was very nicely in its spot and looking great.
Well this anemone is not moving for too long now and doesn’t look like its splitting and is opening up all the way and stinging the heck out of everything around. I’m going to put a plate over it and make it move or something.

Thinned out the fuge today. I took a half a gallon worth the stuff out. That was a lot more then I thought would come out.



And this is what’s left.
