No not as bad as I thought it would be.
I do have a story about working on the sump this after noon. When I was testing my hole drilling abilities I used the lid that came with the tank as a test dummy. I drilled two holes in it and all was well so I drilled the tanks, a total of 5 holes. Since the glass tops that came with the tank were not tempered I figured Id repurpose them as baffles in the sump so I bought a glass cutter and splitter pliers. $20 and I was back home from the hardware store and have all the glass laid out on the counter and got out the tape measure, measured twice and cut three times I always say. Anyway I put the straight edge on the glass and used the glass cutter to scribe the glass and went over it a couple of times to make sure it was a clean line. Put the pliers on the seam and squeeze, nothing. Ok what did I miss? Squeeze as hard as I can and nothing. Ok so we double teem this piece of glass on the edge of the counter and we can’t get it to break. What the heck is going on? So I go out and get a metal rod to lay the glass on, on the seam and use that to split it. Try that you piece of glass, and nothing. I tried banging the glass down on the metal rod and its just laughing by now. So I go out and get the 2 pound machinist hammer and start whacking it on the seam while it’s on the metal rod and nothing. What the heck is going on here? Glass is not this hard to break. So I start hitting it harder. You would think I’m trying to pound in a marlin ***** into a telephone pole. Then it finally snaps. And I just stand there for a minute looking at the million pieces of glass flying all over the place and whats left on the counter sounds like popcorn in the microwave. Now I’m just frustrated and mad. This is not supposed to be tempered glass. Why is this piece tempered and not the other piece. I actually took the piece I drilled out side and broke it to make sure it was not tempered after that. I was thinking how was it possible that I could miss that. I had called the company years ago to make sure if it was tempered or not and it was suppose to not be tempered. Why would part of the lid be tempered and not the rest of it. What can I say? Don’t try to cut tempered glass it doesn’t work.