Thanks guys,
I appreciate it. I use to have tank envy and never really wanted to show anyone my tank because I just wasn’t happy with it. After a lot of thought about it I set up this tank in such a way that was interesting to me and my wife. The inspiration came in a large part by a member that has not been active on here for a couple of years now, but he had a opinion that stood out to me about keeping a saltwater tank and that was just do what makes you happy not what others say is the way to do it so that’s what I did this time around. This tank has brought me a lot of joy and everyone in my family enjoys it as well. My son took a big picture of the tank and fish to school for there sharing class they have on Wednesdays. That was cool.
Like anything in my life it seems I’m still working on it but for the most part it’s a complete working system and it has blown just about every rule of thumb out of the water for fish and rock but it works for me. When I realized I really had accomplished what I set out to on this tank is when I started this thread. I love my tank and know every fish in it and the personalities of each. I spend hours looking at it each day and admiring the rock work my self. Now if I can just make a decision on the sand to use I’ll be good. It probably would make my wrasse happy but he still finds enough to pile up in the back and sleep in. That’s the strangest thing I ever saw was when my fish goes to sleep, it literally looks like a dead fish half buried in the sand. I vacuumed out the gravel I had in the tank probably 5 months ago. Talk about your procrastinator.