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Another day another hatch. This time it looks like the damsels and maybe two batches by the look of how many there are in this hatch.

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No not as bad as I thought it would be.

I do have a story about working on the sump this after noon. When I was testing my hole drilling abilities I used the lid that came with the tank as a test dummy. I drilled two holes in it and all was well so I drilled the tanks, a total of 5 holes. Since the glass tops that came with the tank were not tempered I figured Id repurpose them as baffles in the sump so I bought a glass cutter and splitter pliers. $20 and I was back home from the hardware store and have all the glass laid out on the counter and got out the tape measure, measured twice and cut three times I always say. Anyway I put the straight edge on the glass and used the glass cutter to scribe the glass and went over it a couple of times to make sure it was a clean line. Put the pliers on the seam and squeeze, nothing. Ok what did I miss? Squeeze as hard as I can and nothing. Ok so we double teem this piece of glass on the edge of the counter and we can’t get it to break. What the heck is going on? So I go out and get a metal rod to lay the glass on, on the seam and use that to split it. Try that you piece of glass, and nothing. I tried banging the glass down on the metal rod and its just laughing by now. So I go out and get the 2 pound machinist hammer and start whacking it on the seam while it’s on the metal rod and nothing. What the heck is going on here? Glass is not this hard to break. So I start hitting it harder. You would think I’m trying to pound in a marlin ***** into a telephone pole. Then it finally snaps. And I just stand there for a minute looking at the million pieces of glass flying all over the place and whats left on the counter sounds like popcorn in the microwave. Now I’m just frustrated and mad. This is not supposed to be tempered glass. Why is this piece tempered and not the other piece. I actually took the piece I drilled out side and broke it to make sure it was not tempered after that. I was thinking how was it possible that I could miss that. I had called the company years ago to make sure if it was tempered or not and it was suppose to not be tempered. Why would part of the lid be tempered and not the rest of it. What can I say? Don’t try to cut tempered glass it doesn’t work.

This is actually quite comical Erik. The visuals in my head are of me doing the exact same things until... POW!!! a million little pieces everywhere.:rolleyes:
No not as bad as I thought it would be.

I do have a story about working on the sump this after noon. When I was testing my hole drilling abilities I used the lid that came with the tank as a test dummy. I drilled two holes in it and all was well so I drilled the tanks, a total of 5 holes. Since the glass tops that came with the tank were not tempered I figured Id repurpose them as baffles in the sump so I bought a glass cutter and splitter pliers. $20 and I was back home from the hardware store and have all the glass laid out on the counter and got out the tape measure, measured twice and cut three times I always say. Anyway I put the straight edge on the glass and used the glass cutter to scribe the glass and went over it a couple of times to make sure it was a clean line. Put the pliers on the seam and squeeze, nothing. Ok what did I miss? Squeeze as hard as I can and nothing. Ok so we double teem this piece of glass on the edge of the counter and we can’t get it to break. What the heck is going on? So I go out and get a metal rod to lay the glass on, on the seam and use that to split it. Try that you piece of glass, and nothing. I tried banging the glass down on the metal rod and its just laughing by now. So I go out and get the 2 pound machinist hammer and start whacking it on the seam while it’s on the metal rod and nothing. What the heck is going on here? Glass is not this hard to break. So I start hitting it harder. You would think I’m trying to pound in a marlin ***** into a telephone pole. Then it finally snaps. And I just stand there for a minute looking at the million pieces of glass flying all over the place and whats left on the counter sounds like popcorn in the microwave. Now I’m just frustrated and mad. This is not supposed to be tempered glass. Why is this piece tempered and not the other piece. I actually took the piece I drilled out side and broke it to make sure it was not tempered after that. I was thinking how was it possible that I could miss that. I had called the company years ago to make sure if it was tempered or not and it was suppose to not be tempered. Why would part of the lid be tempered and not the rest of it. What can I say? Don’t try to cut tempered glass it doesn’t work.

wow sorry to hear that. the way you tell the story it is kinda funny. so what are you going to use instead of the lid?
Ill just have to get some glass from the local glass shop. I guess Ill just have them cut it to size and be done with it. Guess I didn’t really need the glass cutting tools but who know, it seems like I always need them for something and now Ill have them. I made some cuts on the other lid pieces to see how it all works and its also really easy to use to cut glass. We tried splitting by hand and with the pliers and using the pliers surprisingly works much better and a much cleaner split. Very professional looking edge. Too bad these pieces of the glass top are to short for my needs.
No not as bad as I thought it would be.

I do have a story about working on the sump this after noon. When I was testing my hole drilling abilities I used the lid that came with the tank as a test dummy. I drilled two holes in it and all was well so I drilled the tanks, a total of 5 holes. Since the glass tops that came with the tank were not tempered I figured Id repurpose them as baffles in the sump so I bought a glass cutter and splitter pliers. $20 and I was back home from the hardware store and have all the glass laid out on the counter and got out the tape measure, measured twice and cut three times I always say. Anyway I put the straight edge on the glass and used the glass cutter to scribe the glass and went over it a couple of times to make sure it was a clean line. Put the pliers on the seam and squeeze, nothing. Ok what did I miss? Squeeze as hard as I can and nothing. Ok so we double teem this piece of glass on the edge of the counter and we can’t get it to break. What the heck is going on? So I go out and get a metal rod to lay the glass on, on the seam and use that to split it. Try that you piece of glass, and nothing. I tried banging the glass down on the metal rod and its just laughing by now. So I go out and get the 2 pound machinist hammer and start whacking it on the seam while it’s on the metal rod and nothing. What the heck is going on here? Glass is not this hard to break. So I start hitting it harder. You would think I’m trying to pound in a marlin ***** into a telephone pole. Then it finally snaps. And I just stand there for a minute looking at the million pieces of glass flying all over the place and whats left on the counter sounds like popcorn in the microwave. Now I’m just frustrated and mad. This is not supposed to be tempered glass. Why is this piece tempered and not the other piece. I actually took the piece I drilled out side and broke it to make sure it was not tempered after that. I was thinking how was it possible that I could miss that. I had called the company years ago to make sure if it was tempered or not and it was suppose to not be tempered. Why would part of the lid be tempered and not the rest of it. What can I say? Don’t try to cut tempered glass it doesn’t work.
OMG I literally giggled when I read this..
I could see you whacking it with the hammer.. Then I could only imagine your face when it shattered to millions of little pieces.
And If I read this right, it was in your kitchen on the counter?!?! oooo SHOP VAC HERE WE COME.
Yes it was the kitchen counter and the shop vac got a good workout. I have to say I am impressed on how strong tempered glass is.
Well fortunately it was no real loss. I was not using the glass lid to the tank anyway but thought I mite use it for something one day. Apparently its was used to get me to sweep the floor yesterday.
Oh by the way, the nem has been sticking its head out every day now for the last few days so I’ve been giving it a silverside each day to reward it for coming out. It still does not want to move its foot so its stretch at least a foot to get its tentacles out into the light. But on a good note it looks really good and healthy so far. I tried feeding it a nice muscle yester (without the shell) and it took it right a way but spit it back out in a minute. Apparently that’s not on its menu for food.
silversides or krill are glad to hear it is looking healthy and eating..once it starts a regular eating routine it is less likely to move.
That’s is man
I’m not feeding the anemone any more.
My big vlamingi tang just stuck his face in it to try and pull out the silverside I just gave it and go the crap stung out of him. I thought the fish knew to stay away, just like they know cleaner shrimp and fish are good to have on them. They just know. Well maybe this fish didn’t get the rule book or something. He was definitely disoriented and breathing extremely fast. Now a few minutes have passed and he’s just chilling in the corner and breathing fast. I don’t know if there is anything I could do for him other then just let him chill for a while and hop it wasn’t to much more then a slap in the face.
Man I feel like its all my fault. I know he was going to go after that silverside when I put it in the tank but I figured if I got it to the nem first he wouldn’t bother with it. I jammed the feeding stick in the tank real fast and he came flying out and tried to get the silver side as I was just getting it to the nem. Stupid stupid stupid idea. I don’t think he’s going to make it. He is all black now except the area around the lower mouth and front fins area that he got blasted and breathing so fast I feel like I’m hyperventilating just looking at him.
Sorry to hear that about the vlamni, I'm amazed that the fish actually did that..most fish know to stay away..I hope it makes it...would feel bad..

FWIW, the anemone looks good.
It was my fault. I knew he was going to go after the silver side. I should have just let him have it. This all took place in a matter of a half second. I jabbed the stick into the tank quick to try to avoid him but he just went after it and all three collided at the same time. Silver side into nem with fish mouth already on it. I mean really if it was more then a half second for this all to happen I’d be suppressed.
Well it’s been a couple of days now and all is will with my fish tank world. Vlamingi is over his hangover and back to normal. What a relief. A couple minutes after he got stung I thought he was a goner. It was not a good seen but he pulled threw and I’ll bet he will think again about trying to eat any silversides on a stick.

Well it is confirmed, my one odd yellow tail damsel and, an azure damsel are paired up and laying eggs. I had been suspect that they had paired up but never really see them together. Well I caught them in the act yesterday.

Once I get all these other projects out of my way then I’m working on I really need to invest some time in trying to raise some of these damsels. It’s gotten to the point that I have a hatch nearly every night. It’s a rare night if I don’t.
I thought I'd post some pictures and video of the new additions to my tank. I picked up a fox face and a sail fin tang from JasonD Saturday October 2. They got a little banged up while they were in his tank getting them out but nothing major and they look like they are fitting in well with my misfits. Those two are like twins joined at the fin. The fox never does anything without the sail fin. He won’t eat until the sail fin does first and is always following the sail fin every ware. You would almost think they are a mated pair or roomies at least. I also moved the damsel into the main tank but it has not been out in the open yet. He really got a butt chewing by the other damsels the first day. I’m sure every thing will be fine. It’s like a fraternity thing with the damsels. Once you get your greeting from everybody you get your place in the chain of command. Usually starting at the bottom and that’s where he is. Very bottom back of the tank in the cave. He comes out for feeding but then zooms back before he gets noticed. They’ll get over it soon.



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