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No nothing new right now. As soon as I get this currant car thing out of my time schedule it will free up more for the tank. I have some Ideas as to what I’m going to do next and that is getting some proper tanks under the tank for the fuge and getting the Rubbermaid containers out.

Hay Floyd, how many of those bow fronts you got over there? Just kidding. That’s probably not going to fit in the stand. I got to get a picture of the one I got from you. You would love how we set that thing up. It’s just the coolest thing. I think it ranks up there with that guy that has the fish bar.
I had an interesting experience at the local pet store yesterday. I stopped in to get some food and when I was checking out the lady behind the counter looked at what I was buying and started to check out everything and then looked at me and asked if I was the one with all the tangs? I said I don’t have all the tangs but I have six and a few dozen other fish. Then her eyes opened up wider and said I need to ask you some questions about my tangs. And on it went. It was kind of strange to be the one offering advice and opinions to the pet store people asking me what they should do. I’m usually the one picking the brains of the people in the store.
On the rare occations I go in my LFS, I end up with that problem as well. Never been good at keeping my mouth shut. The guy at petco ducks when he sees me coming in for fish food.
I got a few new additions to the tank. really one that I was looking for but TJL is such a good guy he threw in a few other things and we will see if I can grow them out. I have a large Toadstool now. It is looking very nice. I picked it up from Todd last weekend and it seems to have taken to my tank very well. He said he had if for some 12 years so it’s not one of the huge kind but it sure looks nice and is at least 8 inches when fully open. The polyps are fully open and extended nicely and looks very full today. Its hard to imagine how it looks in the morning is so different that after the lights turn on that it is even the same critter. I will have to get a picture of it in the morning to show the difference.


Nice on the toadstool... Mine always seems a little grumpy.. I think it gets tormented by the clowns..
Hey Erik, its looking good in there but we need a updated FTS now.

Adam, giveArogant Bastard Ale by Stone Brewing a try as IMHO it is the appropriate *beverage* for viewing ones reeftank.

I know the feeling. Mine feels a little pickled this morning. We were hooking up a flat screen HDTV at the neighbors house yesterday and you know the beer has to start flowing with that kind of work. It’s a necessary kind of thing.

Here is a morning picture of the toadstool.

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Hey Erik, its looking good in there but we need a updated FTS now.

Adam, giveArogant Bastard Ale by Stone Brewing a try as IMHO it is the appropriate *beverage* for viewing ones reeftank.


FTS? I’m a little slow some time but what its that?
DUDE! I just don’t know what to say about that Floyd. That looks like a personal problem. Hold on a second, I can’t stop laughing. . . . . . .

Full Tank Shot, I got you now. I’ll get one this evening after the sun, ah, I was going to say go down but how about when it gets dark. I get such a bad glare on the front of the tank during the day.
Here are a couple of new pictures and video of the tank. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like I have many fish. It’s like they know when the camera comes out that its time to go hide. I watched the videos and looked over the pictures using my 82 inch big screen and it’s still just not the same as being in front of the tank. I tried to create such a 3D tank as much as I could in a long tank but it just never translates well on to a flat screen. Anyway hope you enjoy, I know I sure due.


<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="">Untitled</a> from <a href="">Erik M</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="">Untitled</a> from <a href="">Erik M</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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Hey Erik, nice vids and very cool aquascape with the overhang/bridge structure. We need to get you some more corals in there now. Since I'm running out of room and you have plenty of real estate to fill I've got a nice big Finger Leather ( note; just common latin ie; Sinularia...:rolleyes:) that I'd sell and toss in a Green Birdsnest frag zoa's/paly's and a nice size Pompom Xenia.
Here is a couple pics of the Leather, 1st in 6/10 and 2nd in 12/09

I know
Plenty of empty real-estate in here. I’m still trying to figure out what I can and can’t grow in here with all the fish. Looks like any LPS stuff is out. Even easy ones I’ve had in the past didn’t last long in here. Softies are nice and they flow with the water and I like that, kind of like LPS corals. The three small frags you gave me are still alive but not noticing any change in them yet either way. Anything you want to thin out just let me know I have plenty of room. Just drop me a PM about it before you list it for sale. Chances are Ill take it.
Well wouldn’t you know it! I have one of the people I respect the most on the frontier coming to my house to see my tank and look what I woke up to this morning. If this guy makes it, it will just be a miracle. The pictures don’t really show it buy there is quite a large amount of meat missing from his head, it’s not just skinned. All the fish of are acting strange in the tank today, very skittish. There are some markings on my tomini but I think most of that was after the fact I think, you know the injured guy gets kind of picked on, the sign of weakness thing when it comes to fish. The tomini is half the size of the other fish and is the most docile of all the fish in the tank. I just don’t see it kicking the kole tangs but. I could see the other way around. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


