Achilles Tang

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Thanks! :)

Brian, I'm still pinging on Eric, to see when he is expecting more Achilles in for ya.

Thanks Lee & Steve, for all your help and guidance here. I have greatly appreciated both of your experience and information! My tang sends his thanks as well. ;)
He "can" go in this weekend, but probably won't. I'll slowly start raising the pH starting this weekend and throughout next week, and hopefully about the 25th get him moved into his new home.
You mean salinity?

If your salinity is still low, you won't be doing much until next weekend minimum. You want to increase this as slowly as possible. No more than 0.001 each day. Even after it's a full seawater, you want an additional 2 weeks for observation.
Yes... sorry, rented finger's here. I need to slowly raise my S.G. from the 1.009 up to 1.026 to match my display tank.

Okay... so he gets to wait until after I get back from Peoria to get into my display then... no worries. :) I'll have his S.G. up to 1.026, then give him until the middle/end of March before moving him.
Hey Ed,
Do you have any other tangs in your tank? I'm tagging along on this because I have a beautiful achilles that I got about 3 months ago. He's been through QT for 6 weeks, went through a short period of a fungus, just like yours, but got over it nicely. He's doing great now and living in my refugium (it's a 45 gallon breeder), anyway, I'm totally chickening out on putting him in the main tank because he will be the lone newcomer in the tank with 3 other big tangs. I'm afraid they'll pick on him, or stress him too much.

I'm hoping to switch tanks out in the next few months so I'm thinking of waiting until then before ''introducing'' them all, but I hate having him in such small quarters. So when you do introduce yours I'll be very interested to hear how he does as the new kid and what other fish were there to greet him.

Susie :)
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Hi Susie,

Yes, I have a Yellow Tang, and a Sailfin Tang currently. They aren't the
"bully" of my tank right now... so I'm not extreamly concerned with them when it comes time to introduce my Achilles.

My tank bully is a Blue Velvet Damsel (Devil Fish!!!), that is the one and only fish that my other half has purchased. That being said, I sure hope she doesn't read this post... but when its time to put my Achilles into my display tank, I'm going-a-fishing, to remove this Damsel, and ban him to my sump!!! Hopefully, removing this bully from the tank, then introducing the Achilles at the same time will help some with his acclimation. I'll keep ya posted.

Yea... "oh wait". hehehe I likey my new Camera T-man! :D
hey ED, i was wondering how you were going to raise the salinity??? would it take too long to just let the FW evaporation raise it for you..that seems like it would raise it slowly enough..maybe a fan blowing on the surface...just a thought..i have thought about trying it this way, instead of trying to get a new batch exact...i guess you have to do water changes on this tank anyway, so it would probably be better to do it with the WC's

To a small part, yes, I'll be taking care of raising the S.G. due to the evaporation. My QT Tank is a 40gal tank, and only evaps about 1/2 gallon a day, so I'm not counting on that to help me a lot. I'll be doing evening 5-gallon water changes, raising that water's S.G. by .002, which I think should slowly enough raise the overall 40gallons S.G. by the .001 Steve recommended. Will keep ya informed how that goes once Saturday gets here.

He is still looking great! :D I'm still in-process of raising the S.G. up (currently at 1.017) to match my display tank's S.G., but things are going good so far.

Thanks for askin! :)