I picked up a bottle after the Bob Moore frag swap on Saturday, I read the reef builders review and figured I'd give it a try. I've been dosing 3ml per day since Saturday, I have around 160 gallons total water volume. I was skeptical, and I did not expect any changes for weeks or months. Honestly, I'm a bit shocked...
I took these pictures with only actinic's on, so that's why everything looks blue.
So, this is my brown acro with green polyps. I've had it for four years now, and it's growth has always been in the form of sticks branching out, occasionally a split. This is what it a typical branch looks like and how it has always grown.
The new growth on this branch though, looks completely different than I've ever seen, all over it the new growth is bushy, it's like all of the polyps in this area suddenly got the urge to grow all at once:
Another change I've seen is the edge of my brick red chalice is now growing much darker in color. I'm wondering if only the new growth is going to take this color, or if the center part will also darken. It'll look really cool if the center is the bright red, with a deep reddish purple perimeter.
I'm still skeptical, but these two are corals I've had for a quite a while, I know how they grow and behave, and they've changed overnight it seems. Other than the acro power, nothing else with the tank has changed, same feeding schedule, water change schedule, etc.