Adding on to my system

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Well the frag tank is now almost done, I have the top all cut out to final size. Now I just need to install the bottom and do all the clean up. The new sump is started, I am making this from scraps that were laying around, so I had to do some creative joining on the sheets for the sides. I won't be able to do much on this project this week unfortunately, but will get back on it next week, and hope to have it all up and running in a couple weeks
Very cool Tom...Glad to see you are making a little more progress. I guess it is tough when you are doing the work for yourself and trying to find the time between jobs. Thanks for taking the time out to share your project with us.
Ok well the sump and its stand are done! The frag tank is done! All I need to do is plumbing and build the frag tank stand, and do a little demo in the basement :D Hopefully if it all goes well I can get this all done by monday or something.
Nice Tom! I mean I can't seem to get over what all has been done since my computer went down! I feel like a new member here! (LOL) You know I've said it before and I'll say it again, you do good work Tom...It's not a surprise anymore how good everything comes out!
Wow, I'm not down at the house for a few days and you just go ahead and git 'er is the apprentice to learn? Incredible as usual!
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Tom those look "Grade A Choice" as usual. I want to come see in person. You will be getting an email.
Well Todd came over this afternoon and helped me out for a couple hours, and was a big help! Thanks mate. We got the stand finished and the plumbing installed in the bottom of the sump. Then we got it all down in the basement and started removing all my equipment from the old sump and started the drain. After that the sump old sump was removed and I spilled water all over the place! Todd manned the squeegie and i threw down some towels lol. About that time Todd had to go so it was down to me to get the pump configuration and plumbing figured out, so I lollygagged w/ that for a couple more hours and finally got some water in there, and did a little happy dance when all the plumbing underneath held water. After that I did a good cleaning on the skimmer and serviced the calcium reactor. I built a shelf for the cal reactor and kalk mixer to sit in the sump, I liked this idea a lot so that if for some reason the cal reactor pump springs a leak (mags are bad about that) the water would not make a mess on the floor and it wouldn't drain my tank drip drip drip at a time while I am on vacation. I also decided to get rid of my float valve on the kalk mixer and am using a dosing pump that will drip kalk instead of being a automatic top off. This is a good thing incase the skimmer ever goes crazy, or for some reason there is a leak, it won't make my reef a FW reef w/ a ph of 12. I have read too many stories now about nice reefs getting taken out by kalk mixers and auto top off. So anyway the sump works beautifully and I am all ready to see what I can do tomorrow w/ the frag tank stand. Also I picked up all my goodies today, sunlight supply 2x250 hqi ballast and mogul pendants. I also decided to get a ampmaster 3600! Flow should not be much of a problem in the new tank. I am also going to use my pair of Dswirls that I made ages ago and have never used. The last pic of the mess is where the frag tank is going.






Wow! Tom, that’s really impressive!
If you don’t mind backing up a minute, since I’m late at following this thread...
How did you bend the acrylic for the over flow grids you made?
And can this bending process be done on regular lexan/ plexiglass that I’m able to get at my local Home Depot?
Thanks rob, yes you can do it w/ the plexi that you get from HD. Go to post #17 and it shows how I did it
Thanks, Tom
Ok.... I went to the post, and I understand that you did it in the oven, but could you elaborate a little more on this? What I mean is... You went from probably a flat sheet to the picture you show where it’s all clamped up. What did you do in between these two stages? Especially since it looks like you were working with some pretty thick sh#&!.
Sorry for my persistence, but I find it hard to believe that you can possibly clamp this thick of a material into a certain shape without it cracking.:eek:
Lol Rob you're funny. Well when that crap comes out of the oven (heated to 350) after 20 mins it is like a sheet of rubber, you could roll it up and eat it like a burrito. So it clamps right down into shape, and once cool it is perminantly shaped to what ever for you clamped it into.
Ohhhh! That makes much more sense! lol
Thanks for sharing that trade secret, Tom!:lol:
FWIW... I think you’d be a prime candidate for a workshop thread on working with acrylic/plastic, since it looks like you really do fine work!
Keep it up!:D
Ok thanks guys :D I kinda lolly gagged thru today and didn't really get much done. I did some demo (Todd busted out my sawzall while I manned the sledge) and got rid of that crappy old bench and a wall. Then the stand kinda fell together (still needs a lot of work) and we brought the tank inside. I am going to putt around as late as I can tonight and see where I get. I may even poke a bunch of holes in the bottom of the tank if I am feeling frisky enough.