Adding on to my system

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Yes as Ken said there were no leaks. Ken helped me out all afternoon, what a trooper. Thankyou Ken you are the best.
Thanks Tom, but it isn't all that hard to say "Wow that looks really good Tom" a bunch of times.....:lol: It was a fun day though, glad I could be there to bouce ideas off of.
Wow, that’s a lot of glue! I’m surprised you can still type after breathing all those fumes!:lol:
Btw, Tom... Where did you get your uniseals from? HD, by chance?
Ughh... I knew it wouldn’t be that easy like the local HD.
Thanks, now get back to work! :D
Don't worry it will be done soon. I think that I will get back on it on saturday w/ the drain and return. Tomorrow I am going to pump out all that FW and start the filling it w/ rodi ordeal. So maybe by monday it will be fully up and running. Tuesday for sure.
Go Ken go!!! I didn't know you knew how to plumb!(LOL JK) Good to see a fellow reefer helping out another one again. I wish I had some Rf members living in my neck of the woods...Anyone ready to move???(LOL) Good job again guys!
Well that frag tank is connected and has been running for about 15 hours. I think the iwaki 70 was a little too much, I had to dial it back a little to keep it from overflowing the tank :eek: So when I went to bed it was running fine w/ about 1/4" of space to the top of the tank. When I went down stairs the floor was all wet. At first I thought it may have been from all the rain last night, then I wasn't soo sure, I thought maybe it was some condensation problem from the gas heat? Then I looked at the sump and it was down about 10 gallons. The funny thing is that i cant find where it leaked from, everywhere I looked at the plumbing it was dry, but I figgure that it must have just overflowed a little and the side next to the gas heater is the lowest point of the tank. So anyway I decided that it would be best to swap out pumps between skimmer and frag tank, so that was real fun. When I set it up I decided that I could just incoperate pump maintenance w/ a water change and didn't put any ball valves anywhere, so I had to drain the sump almost completely (which wasn't that bad) then swap the pumps. All in all it took about a hour and a half, and now my skimmer is kicking some serious ass. Now all I need to get is a couple intake screens for the closed loop and I can put a couple fish in there w/ the frags. Well off to install lights.
Another victim of flooding...I know the feeling(LOL). Glad you got it sorted out. Water on the floor in my house is a big no no. My wife doesn't seem to care for it much.(LOL) Good luck with the lighting Tom. Don't be like me yesterday. I used one of my old 48inch strips so I could see in the tank to setup the rocks and accidentally hit the light into the water which was plugged in and on. Sounded like someone was frying fsh!(LOL) My wife freaked, but I just stuck my hand in the water and pulled it out and unplugged it. Not a wise decision, but I guess my reaction time was a little quicker than my brain...A little shock never hurt anyone(LOL)
Ok it turnes out the water problem is not as easy to fix as fixing the tank. It is a leak from the rain, and is coming in to the basement thru the foundation behind the gas heat for the house. That sucks.

So the lights are hung, frags are in! All I have left to do is clean up. I have already added the first fish, it is a ocellaris that I am babysitting ofr Esmith. Other then that I will be getting a niger trigger, and some tangs. I may go for a purple tang, and chevron. Then i would also like to get some smaller fish, but not sure what at this point.
Tom the tank looks great, major bummer about the water though.... What's the plan??? At least it wasn't my fitting that leaked...!!!
Nice work Tom. Really looks clean and bright. Now go fix the house problem before the misses hurts you ;)
Well time for a update. I have moved all my zoo's and most of reeds zoo's into the frag tank. I also have moved all my frags that were in my main tank too. I did a little rearranging in the main tank to make room for some new stuff. I am really starting to like these radiums. I may move to something bluer on the main tank before too long. I also added a fish to the frag tank a couple days after I got the tank up and running, it is a little niger trigger.

Huh, look at that will ya. Are ya running the 10 frags for $150 deal yet???

Looks very nice Tom, I want to come see in person, and I need to stop by Todd's also, haven't seen that skimmer yet.