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my favorite piece of equipment is my skimmer right now, but i also like my light which is i believe a 20k Metal Halide.

and Nikki yes !! the worm that my husband saw in the tank which is half foot long, now i wear globes everytime i put my hands in there and i'm still trying to catch him.

which coral do you look at the most?
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NaH2O said:

Is there anthing in your tank that gives you the creeps? (i.e. huge worm, sea spider, etc)

Gabriela - you must have missed mine. Here it is again, since you asked the same Q
The wife :lol: :D :D :lol: Oh I am going to be in sooooo... much trouble.

What fish makes the most waste?
Jiddy said:
In my experience ROCK BASS

Which is better for cleanup crabs or snails or shrimp

Definately snails..crabs are nice but hard to get rid of if you ever want to...unless you have some sort of heavy couldn't resisit(a little emergency room humor comming through)

Which do you prefer...tunzee or oceans motions?
Neither - motorized ball valve for me :)

Bristleworms - like 'em or hate 'em?
i haven't had one of those so i don't know if i should hate them or not, but if they are the kind that eats corals i would hate them so much.

which calcium reactor do you think its the best?
Hmmm....don't know yet, as I'm still researching....maybe Deltec.

What's your least favorite nuisance algae?
ohh the one i hate is caulerpa (i don't know if i spell it right :p)
i don't know if its an algae but man it was all over the tank, but thanks to my lovely emerald crab it's almost gone :evil:
i never thought i would get rid of it, but ya surely but slowly the crab is doing an exellent job.

What's your favorite shrimp :rolleyes: ?
sorry evolution you beat me hehe
hmm i really don't know to much about bulbs but i have 175 14k metal halide from hamilton.

well i guess i could ask canopy or not?
No canopy here. Dont like them, trap in too much heat.

Ill help you out..

What is your fav shrimp :D
Hang them from the ceiling with rope/wire/etc :D

If you had $1 million dollars and you had to spend it on a fish tank how big, what equip, what fish, would you put in it?
lol hmmm i might do that :D
ohh boy if i had the million dollars i would not buy one fish tank i would buy 3 700 gals or bigger then in one i would put octopuses or rays or may be sharks, the other one would be a only sps tank and the last one would be only for false perc and true perc clowns with anemones in there for them to be happy.
about the equipment hmm i'm still learning what's best, but i thikn i would invite Anthony Calfo, Mike (mojo),MtnDewMan, Nikki, etc... to help me build the best of the best for the tanks and then have the happy hour :D here
ohh ya that's one of my dreams aside from building the biggest tank in the world hehe

what would you do if you had the 1 million dollars ?
I would have to build a 10,000 gallon reef. I would have it free for anyone to come over and look. It would be all sun lit naturally, I would have lots of tangs, and colorful fish. I would allow people to come over and dive and pick there own coral frags off the rock. Nothing like sharing with fellow reef nerds :D (as my wife calls us).

BB or DSB?