ok i have to ask this because i couldn't find anything on the library
i have a hairy mushroom well its pink with little green tentacles and so it's been with me for almost 2 years, it's quite big and so i was wondering how can i frag this thing?
Gabriela - I think they go by the same rules as other mushrooms. You can slice it like a pizza, in half or quarters and put it in a low flow area to reattach to some rubble. Another method is to take a razor and slice it out from the mouth.....it will either finish the split itself or heal up, just make sure its a clean cut. Here is an article for you, and you can always post a thread to Anthony Calfo in his forum Coral Propagation - Propagating Mushrooms
Yes I do, and my question didn't mean to upload photos, though. I meant do you use the reference portions.....the coral gallery for identification, fish gallery, etc.
Let me try again
Do you use any of the reference sections on Reef Frontiers....the Coral/Invert Gallery, the Fish Gallery, the Equipment Gallery, or the Resource Library?
sorry ken i don't have a goby, but what about a bicolor speudocromis
i got him back hehe this is the story... there was a little tank with...
hmm naw i better don't bore you. This is the thing i bought it because i used to like it, but then it got to agressive, i gave it away to one of my husband's friends and then after a few weeks i got it back because he killed a damsel, so now he lives in my sump hehe . he's extremly agressive he's worse than a dog :shock: just kiddin but he's agressive . so now he's there until the end of his life .
Thank you very much Nikki, i don't know what would i do without you .