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Definately when I was returning my long time yellow clown gobie, Mel, to the main display from a hospital treatment tank... I put him in right at a strong water current that swept him directly to my haddoni :( :(

same question
I dont have much experience, but my tank only has 3 fish (damsel, YT, and the evil wrasse) well they were all long time friends. The wrasse was a badboy so he had to leave. Now the other two seem to just mope around, my wife wants to goto the LFS and rescue him back, lol, i mean *cry*

My newlife spectrum eating fat happy brave as hell, mandirin goby that jumped to his doom, turned halfway to slimey leather and then was put back in the tank and sorta lived for a whole afternoon, then just gave up the ghost. I found him with my foot. Bare foot... Wood floors. Sadness insued. Still miss him.
Same question.
My first tank, when my son poured in a glass, if I remember right, of lemonade.

How many tanks do you wish you had?
I guess only already is hard to keep up with 2 right now. Well, maybe 3, because it would be cool to have a FOWLR.

Do you use a moonlight on your tank?
I do, but they dont put out enough power for my tank

Who wants to do a RF party at Krish's (bahamas) next winter?
NaH2O said:
Nope - I play real sports ;) LOL

Beeba - next time you're out for any of the races, let me know. You can stop by and check out the tank!

I'm wondering what kind of REAL sports you play!!!

I would love to fit that into my trip to Indy. Thanks for the invite.

Now back to the regular programing!!!
LOL - not the fantasy sports. I like to embarass myself infront of a crowd of people :D

Haole - i'm not sure if the waves in the Bahamas are the kind you are looking for? We'd have to check with Krish on that one....

What was the best vacation you've ever had in your life?
Oahu, Hawaii.... The north shore of course... But, no I didn’t surf there. (too aggressive of a crowd... locals and all) I had fun on the Waikiki side instead.

the best vacation i had was when my husband took care of my son while i went out drinking with other moms :D lol !! just kidding . i think the best vacation i've ever had, was in Acapulco with my grandparents :) , we used to go once a year, ohh yeah those were the best days ever :)

same question
My best vacation would have to be the first time i went home after basic training, it was a nice break with old friends and family

Ever been to Disneyworld?