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I don't know. I would really have to think about that one. I guess everyone is lookin for that fast buck...

Any get rich quick schemes?
My friend started a mortgage business in S.Diego. He is a baller now, and he is only 24

Want to buy some Amway?
For some reason, I don't get any detritus collecting in my overflow....yeah for me!

Same question
Not yet, there is only a few pieces of sand from when I removed the bed. And a snail shell. Its a cpr so its hard to get to.
Same question.
I clean the intake vents to make sure they are clean so the water flows well but I have never cleaned out the bottom. Maybe I should. I don't know because there doesn't seem to be much more than algea in there. I clean the overflow sponge often.

Same Question.
I hardly ever get to see mine. Filled with little dusters and pods, I don't like to disturb it, I guess it could get a layer of deturis on the bottom though...ummm...

How many people use refractometers?
I check them both out, and depending on the article, they can be either good or bad :).

To answer your Q - I don't do water changes every week anymore....usually every 2 weeks, and I do 25-30 gallons at a time.

What was the last movie you saw in the movie theatre?
wwoouu that's a lot of water.
well the last movie i saw it was the matrix reloaded (something like that, it was to long ago) and i didn't see the whole movie because at that time i was pregnant so i was more into the food than into the movie :D .

the same question
In the theater..ummm...The new Star Wars at the Cinerama with the boy...Don't go to the theater that often, but I do subsribe to NetFlix

Same ?
Madagascar with the little one.

What is your favorite time of year?
hey Nikki was the Madagascar movie good?

my favorite time of the year is, Christmas because that's time time i love making peanut brittle and send it to my friends and because i love making tons of cookies :D

the same question
Christmas, because that is when Gabriela is going to send me peanut brittle....

Same ?
I thought it was pretty good. My daughter loved it!

Halloween: I love seeing the kids in their costumes, and I love giving them candy. Not to mention fall weather!

Same question...
My favorite is New Years Eve. About 40 to 60 friends from church all at Tammie's house... They guys in the TV room watching movies after movie. About 6 Tables of cards or games going. Kids of every age running wild throught the house because it is past bedtime. And no one in an hurry to get on the road and drive home.

What is your favorite card game....