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I would probably do it for some free corals or brine
Damn the man.....

I'm feeling kinda sappy...would you give everything to hang with your Dad one last time???? I mean everything!!!!!
Well, I'm a pretty lucky guy, I still get to hang with my father, in fact were going to a ballgame next week, Seattle vs NY, 7 rows behind the dugout. If he wasn't around, I don't think he would want me to give up everything I had, he is the one who inspired me to get where I am. I guess I would just hang with him in my thoughts, and my ways.

This deserves another post, so same ?
Since I lost my mom a few years ago - I know what it is like losing a parent. I definately would give up most everything (not my child) for more fun with my dad :).

What is one wish you have for your children?
I dont have any children I do take care of my niece so I guess that counts. Joy, the ablility to experince just a undefinable comfort and happiness with themselves.
ddoood just one ? i have to many for him.
but my main one is happiness... because money comes and goes, traveling.. well i'm sure he would be able to travel wherever he wants (i'll just put myself in the suitcase :D), but ya i think that if you are not happy with your life then nothing matters :) .

same question
I wish my kids could have grown up duing the time I did, we never seemed to have worry about sexual predators, gangs, schools out of control, government intervention into everything we did, we got to play in endless fields and woods, in the streets of our neighborhoods with all the other neighbor kids without people calling the police, we ate our halloween candy without x-raying it, We had less pressure of endless homework (like now), and teachers that cared and my soapbox

Same question
Move to the country Snob, not many gangs out there, schools are out of control because parents dont do their jobs in the first place, and you dont make any money being a teacher (thats what im goin to school for, lol!) I wont even say anything about Govt intervention, and if you lived in the country your kids could frolick in the woods and fields like you did. And there has never been a recorded event of a stranger handing out "bad candy" on halloween, the time it did happen was someone who knew the kid, but im sure the media spun that too. He have to have endless homework to keep up with the other countries that dont forget everything over summer break, because they dont have it setup that way!

For my children i just wish them to be kind.

How did you get into your career?
Hmmm....I'll give the end result - I gave birth :)

Same Q.......
LOL !!!
same here Nikki !!
i wanted to be an accountant, but it was to much for me to handle, so i gave it a break after 2 years of frustration. :D

same question
I ended up a bookkeeper/business owner by trial and error I guess. Got a degree in Computer Science/Math/Social Science in 83. Worked in data processing in a bank for 5 years. Got married and drove semi 48 state for 8 years (while having 3 children. Then in 97 opened a computer shop where I do all the bookkeeping and Jud does all the computer repair. Now I work as a full time bookkeeper and take care of my own and other small business bookkeeping in the evening. How is that for diversity? Oh and I am a new grandma.....

Any one else want to brag about their grandchildren?
I dont have any grandchildren, but my son is leaving the things he holds onto to walk across short distances by himself, almost to the walking stage!

What are you going to be for halloween?
Funny you should ask this, because I was just talking about it last night. Since I was the devil last year, I might be an angel this year.....of course, I might have to stick something devilish on the costume.

Same Q....
NaH2O said:
Funny you should ask this, because I was just talking about it last night. Since I was the devil last year, I might be an angel this year.....of course, I might have to stick something devilish on the costume.

Same Q....

Alberto will never be the same :D :D :D :D
Funny you should ask this, because I was just talking about it last night. Since I was the devil last year, I might be an angel this year.....of course, I might have to stick something devilish on the costume

LOL!! ohh Nikki as long as the costume is not to tiny,i think you would look good ;) :D

my son is gonna wear a bumbble bee costume and i'm gonna eat the candys i mean i'm gonna be a cat :D

same q
Some of my friends and I are going as the "Droogs" from "A Clockwork Orange"....should be fun....

same question....
I dont know yet, but i know Ken will be dressing as a women :lol: Doni will be the cookie monster! By the way Nikki, dont wear to tiny a costume, we dont want your tattoo showing!

Has anyone seen a sweet Reef Related Tattoo?
Jiddy again with the tattoo - LOL. Don't worry, my costume won't be very tiny :). MikeS - weren't you someone last year from A Clockwork Orange?

I haven't seen a reef related tattoo that I'm in love with yet, but I've only seen a couple. It's all a matter of personal taste, though.

Do you name your fish?