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What are you favorite Pizza toppings?
hmm pineapple and ham
but sometimes i like pepperoni, italian beef or if i'm making the pizza i'll do a gabster's special one which is ground beef, choriso, tons of cheese, ham,bacon,and more cheese hehe

same q
lol.... That's what I'm having for dinner tonight. My fav toppings are green peppers, pepperoni and tomatoes. The pizza has to be thin crust :)

Same Q.
I can't eat pizza. It usually sets off my IBS and makes me run to the bathroom. I sometimes take the chance though and risk it because I love pizza.

How many times a day do you have a bowel movement? (LOL) On average I go about 5 to 6 times because of my IBS(LOL) Good thing I don't live in my tank...Talk about bio-load (LOL)
:lol: Lol!!! ha ha ha ha :lol: :lol: ok now you made my stomach hurt from laughing, no joke you are hilarious
Well let's see i go about 5 times :lol: ,farts here and there but no biggi you know i actually have to do it quick because my kid doesn't let me enjoy it.
my husband is the king of the toilet though (good thing he's not reading this :lol: )let's see he usually gets naked for some reason, then he reads for about 30 mins or so, it depends on the book and then he gets all dressed up :lol: :lol: :lol: .

same qu :lol:
Lmao, me neither. Once....maybe twice if I drink a lot of coffee(and the cigs help too)
Time for a new one I'm tired of reading about Pooop

Rain or Shine?????
I like the rain most of the time, like to hear it hitting the roof when I sleep, Sunny if I go fishing and camping though, so I guess I live in the right place.

Same ?
Mike your way off, and you have to post a new question! Nice costume thou... im stealin your question

Ever have a haunted/fun house at your house?
Nope - we just go to one instead.

MikeS - I remember you telling me in chat about the Clockwork Orange costume...must have been for this year. Sorry to hear Spike is finally on the outs....he's been a real trooper ;).

How many times do you hit the Snooze button before you get up in the morning?
well since i'm the one who has to make breakfast, my husband goes i want pancakes at 5 30 and i only hear it 1 time unless i'm really tired i let him go for 3 or 4 times :D

same question
Since the birth of my little one, I haven't needed an alarm clock. Even on days she decides to sleep in, I'm ususally up. On the days I don't want to get up, it usually takes two or three "Mommy"s before I get up.....unless it is "Mommy, I have to go pee-pee"....then I get up pretty fast.

Is your bedroom clock set later than the actual time? (i.e. real time is 6:30, but the bedroom clock reads 6:38)
Nope, I never really got that. I also don't get hitting the snooze. The alarm goes off I jump out of bed. I guess if I needed, or wanted extra time I would just set the alarm later. As far as setting the clock ahead......I know why people do it.........But I just don't get it.......

Same ?
Nope I got one of those groovy atomic alarm clocks. It resets itself every night to the atomic clock in colorado by radio signal.
Do you ever take naps?
With my rotating schedual, yes. Sometimes I just get tired. I don't have a routine of going to bed and getting up at a certain time, so naps come in handy. Soon to change thou(crosses fingers)

Same ?