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Gabriela - after he does that, he can come and watch my 3-1/2 yr. old....I'll keep her from a nap, so she's nice and whiney....maybe she'll toss in a tantrum or two. Right now she's jumping off my office chair onto a pile of blankets. Mommy needs some adult time :D I wish you and your wife the best for the next step of your family. My life wouldn't be as great as it is if I didn't have my little one.

I haven't gotten drunk off of Vicks, however, it has been eons since I had any alcohol, so I just might if I tried it.

I haven't stayed up for the New Year in ages...I'm lame and fall asleep. Do you stay up for the New Year's celebrations?
ohh Nikki, now days i can barely stay up until 9 and you want me to watch fire works :D ? and ya i don't know what would i do now without my son, he's hell, but he's so adorable and more when he knows that i'm mad at him,he gives me kisses just so i forgive him from punching, biting, nagging, screaming, throwing food on the walls but yeah :D.
If you ever come up here Nikki, we'll have a only girls party and we'll get drunk ;) .

same question
I'm right here!!! Geezz. I sit down right next to you and you don't even notice me....

Sometimes we do sometimes not. About 50/50. We haven't done a party event on newyears for awhile.

What are ya doing right now?
right now i was just looking for Ken, Jiddy, Krish,Nikki,snobanker, clay etc. and i'm also looking for the laptop's charger since i'm using it right now :D

you dood ?
Gonna go home in the morning, get some sleep, then Texas Holdem in the evening.

Same ?
3 weeks, but have water stirring up as we!

How much water do you change at a time?
Hmmm.....I'd say about 15% of my total water volume.

Same Q....
I change abotu 15%. That is the amount I can get out of the tank through a drain valve in my drain line I installed.

What salt do you use? (hoping hasn't already been a ?)
hasn't been a question that I remember...

I use IO

Same Q
Well I had always used Tropic Marin. So I started my new tank with that. Then I tried Oceanic, don't get me started on that, went back to my Tropic marin, and now have a bucket of the new Tropic Marin Pro Reef.

Anybody else try this salt? (yea like what are the chances)
what!! you are gonna be playing texas holdem dood !!
just remember keny rogers song and you'll be fine :D , don't want you to loose all your money doood and no i have never tried it
i've tried only kens marine and instant ocean

have you tried Kent sea salt?
Oh I would say a couple of times a week. Pull off some stupid bit of algae, find something my urchin toppled over.

Same ?