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LOL!! no, i tell you Krish, first you told us how many times you go to the bathroom, then how you wipe and now you use super glue as eye drops, what are you on dood?
i really thought i was the only one :D
what's next on your list :D

have you ever gotten so drunk that you forgot what you did ? :D
Only once...well maybe twice...once really bad though, can't remember around 6 hours of anything, long time ago though...

Same ?
Never touched alcohol or cigarettes in my life (or cursed). Hard to believe, but it's true. I did however, od on vicks which I mentioned before and couldn't find my way home.

Can you drink and drive like we can here in the Bahamas without getting into trouble?
well the only vehicle i know how to drive is the bicycle:D sorry.
i used to be able to drink a lot, but now days i get drunk with only 1 beer or drink hehe

same question?
Here in Washington State you'll get a DUI, but I've heard of people getting up to 50 without jail time. Nothing like strict justice, lol

I've personally been addicted to The Legend of Zelda, Diablo I, Diablo II, Shining Force (all of them), Thief II, Civilization (all of them), and countless shooters. Fantastic way to waste your life.

What's your favorite kind of hijacker? (reef only, lol)

my favorite hijaker eh...hmm that's a though one dood,
i really like Ken's jokes, but right now i'd have to say Jiddy or may be Krish
but then again i really don't know because the 3 of them make me laugh a lot :D :D

same question? hahahhaa
Oh Gabriela, I think he was talking hitch hikers on life rock....

Mine is a coral that stills live today, small quarter size encrusting type. Lived though shipping, cycle, and anenomes laying on him. He is still kicking.

Same ?
lol !! i know i know
i really don't have any good one that i like, but i have this sort of zoo like.
at first i thought it was dead, but no its alive its has a little bit of red on the skirts/tentacles and the rest it looks kind of brownish, it looks weird but i sort of like it.

same question?
For pure toughness I have to say a clam I got on a piece of rock quite a while ago that's still alive today. Another one has to be the Stomatella Snails; can't beat free algae control. For entertainment I still like Amphipods.

Gab, those "zoo like" things you mentioned might be Majano Anemones; they look a lot like coral polyps. Unfortunately they sting like Aiptasia.

What's the most money you've ever spent on junk equipment?

$300 on a hang on the back all in one super deluxe overflow, skimmer and wet/dry!! It was about 4" wide, 20 " long and 20" high. Had a "skimmer" chamber about 1x4 and around 18" high with a wood air stone at the bottom. Pulled a cup of skimmate every year or so. Last chaber was a drip plate for the DLS, the return pump. I sure was glad to upgrade to a wet/dry sump with rotating spray bar and bio balls.:lol: That was #2 waste.

Same ?
Gab, those "zoo like" things you mentioned might be Majano Anemones; they look a lot like coral polyps. Unfortunately they sting like Aiptasia.

well that's sad :( , about the question geezz i don't know i feel like i'm always spending money on junk, no joke,let's see i bought a whole set up of sump with some sponge and bio balls i believe it was around a 100 dollars, i dont know why hehe, my pumps are not as good, i spet about 200 on a skimmer that after 4 months stopped working and i believe that's pretty much it hehe .

same question?
It was called a skilter, I needed it on a sunday after the magnum 350 I was useing just stoped one day. I think it was like 79.99 or something. Oh and I bought Oddessea light bulbs compact flourescent. Dont buy them Algae growing spectrum shifting, pieces o' crap.
Same question
The most money I've ever spent on junk equipment is my wife (LOL) JK She's the best...None like her. I'd have to say almost $400 for a Fluval cannister filter. The head cracked and flooded my living room.

How many times have you flooded your house?
I have done it at least four times. I hope I have it under control now. Hope..Key word.
Do you think there will ever be a Extremely Large West Saltwater/Reef Gathering again?
I believe so, i just think someone needs to step up and organize it.

I play way to many video games, Civ, AOE3, Mercanaries, Madden06 and GTA, its a pretty bad addiction and i try so hard to quit.

I cant believe im not-by-far your fav hijacker Gab, that hurts, its because i only have 30post huh?

The only thing i wasted money on for my tank, besides PVC which wasnt bad, was about $11 on moonlights that have a poor design. Other than that, ive listened to you all

I have been so drunk i blacked out,let me tell you the story, it will make Gab laugh! I was a young whipper snapper 19yrs old that just joined the military. I never drank really before, but i was kickin it with some hooligans and got wasted off Vodka. I had to work in like 4hrs so i went to bed, it was around 3am or so, i woke up on my bed and had a bright orange reflective vest (road constuctive style) on, i had no idea where it came from, but i was freakin out. I stood up for about 5mins tryin to get some sort of memory of how i got this thing on and what i did. That was right about the time that the two guys i was drinkin with prior to that came into my room and were like, lets go, appartenly they came in about 5mins prior and gave me that and we were goin hazin the new guys, i didnt do anythin to stupid......

Did you watch football today?
There was football today? :) More of a boxing fan myself.

The worst I've ever been messed up is with Ibuprofen (Advil). That sounds strange, but I'm allergic; so it really screws with me. One of these days I'll have to quit taking it, lol

I've had numerous floods over the years; and countless floods if you include the RO/DI bucket running over.

Have you ever considered running a coldwater SW tank?

No, doesnt appeal to me, but i would like to have a regional tank.

I flood my garage on a daily basement, in fact in about 2 hrs it will be floodin again until i get home and turn the hose, off, shhhh

Same Cold Water question?