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darn it Jiddy, can you come on line a little bit early dood !!
i always have to wait until the next morning to hear the jokes dood !!
i also said i like your jokes,ken's and Krish's, but now days, Steve has come up with very good ones dood
you should hear the one about a hamster, or using cheese as a glue dood !!
now i used to be a huge eminem fan, i even have a drawing of him on my wall dood, but now days the only thing i hear is a veggie tales cd that says my son's name a 100 times and he makes me listen to it 5 times at least

I have been so drunk i blacked out,let me tell you the story, it will make Gab laugh! I was a young whipper snapper 19yrs old that just joined the military. I never drank really before, but i was kickin it with some hooligans and got wasted off Vodka. I had to work in like 4hrs so i went to bed, it was around 3am or so, i woke up on my bed and had a bright orange reflective vest (road constuctive style) on, i had no idea where it came from, but i was freakin out. I stood up for about 5mins tryin to get some sort of memory of how i got this thing on and what i did. That was right about the time that the two guys i was drinkin with prior to that came into my room and were like, lets go, appartenly they came in about 5mins prior and gave me that and we were goin hazin the new guys, i didnt do anythin to stupid......

LOL!!! :lol: ddood well let me tell you mine, one of my girl friends, my boyfriend (now husband) and i went out drinking.
Well, when we got there, he asked us if we knew how to drink and so we told him no, so then he started ordering drinks for us, i remember i had like 7 and my friend and husband had like 11 or 12 who knows, i only remember that it was dark in there :D .
Anyways, he had to help my friend go to the bathroom because by mistake she ended up in the men's bathroom and she kept arguing about the toilet because she could not seat in there lol . I was so drunk, that when i was paying the bill, the bar tender had to help me pay the bill because i could not see anything at all.
No joke it was so embarrasing because when i'm drunk i laugh a lot and so he didn't know what in the world i was laughing about. :oops:

is there anything that you don't like about your tank?
My sump. My stand. My canopy. and esp my flatworms. (got out of hand while I was on vaction)

Same question
Jiddy said:
This is about the time im "out of it" time to smizzle oak

Do you smizzle oak?

Jiddy said:
I dont like packers, oh about my tank. Its not drilled :(

Sam Hizzle?

Only sometimes...

Jiddy what are they teaching you in school over there?
Man Jiddy I know this is your thread an all but............

Will Jiddy remember to ask a question?
My sump. My stand. My canopy. and esp my flatworms. (got out of hand while I was on vaction)

welcome to my world hehe !! i've been having them for year and a half ( they are part of the family by now :D )

lol !!! yeah Jiddy, you are breaking your own rules dood
spongebob lover said:
welcome to my world hehe !! i've been having them for year and a half ( they are part of the family by now :D )

lol !!! yeah Jiddy, you are breaking your own rules dood

*Just shakes his head in disbelief*

Ok gabriela where is your question?
I have ghost shrimp (LOL) about 250,000,984,909...Just look at the pics of my tank and you won't see them (LOL)

same question.
i don't have any at this point but i'm getting one he he.

i keep getting some sort of oilish coat at the very top of my tank's water it makes it look like if there was no circulation in the tank and everytime i put my hands in there it sort of breaks and i can see the water moving back into normal, what is it, do you know by any chance?
You need to skim the surface Gab. Also better suface aggitation will help. don't know what it is though, but it is common.

What do you have for an over flow?