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The Tibetan Blue-Finned Snowflake Guppy; extremely rare. Actually there's no such fish, but I think there ought to be. The hardest kept fish I've thought about getting is the Blue Ribbon Eel. Probably thankfully for the Eel, I never got one. They almost always starve to death in captivity.

Oh, and it's not our job to keep tabs on Ken; which is why we asked you.

If you saw a bunch of nerds running around the woods you might have seen the beginning; that was kind of the entire movie.

Same question.

I prefer summer, since winters around here are pretty much nothing but cold rainy days. In the summer we get highs normally in the 70s or 80s, and lows in the upper 50s and lower 60s. Perfect weather if you ask me. My favorite season though is fall; it's an awesome time of year if you're in a location that really has the change.

Same question.

I like the winter best when the summer temperature is 100+F with the heat index, and I like summer best when the winter temperature is below zero with the wind chill. I love summer mornings, and winter snow. Fall is beautiful around here, too, BTW.

Same Q
I prefer summer for going snorkeling, spearing, fishing etc. I can't do those things around winter as the water gets too cold for me (LOL). Cold weather for us Bahamians is like 65-75 degrees.

Anyone ever won anything like in a raffle for example?
I don't think I've ever won anything; besides a few bucks in the lottery. Then again I never try to win, so I guess that might explain it.

BTW, we have a name around here for 65-75 degrees... July. :)

Same question.

well Krish dood, i'm glad you are feeling better :) .
I've never won anything in a raffle i always have bad luck for that :(, but i've won 300 dollars playing no limit texas hold'em :D .
Jiddy dood !!! where have you been you should try posting during the day dood i miss the jokes dood ohh and ken is in a fishing trip like Jiddy said and he's not coming until i believe the beginning of October.

same question
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I have horrible luck. No winnings here....even if I go to a casino, if I win, it usually means I leave with the same amount I came with.

What was your favorite game to play as a child?
lol !! it happens Nikki :) .
my favorite game as a child hmm well they were all in spanish :p. but i think here you call it tag you are it or something like that.
and another one was called airplane i've seen it here too, i just don't knwo how you call it hehe ohh and something called red riding hood :D .

same question
My favorite game as a kid was Monopoly (and Puzzles - do puzzles count as games). As a young adult my favorite was Risk. Now it is Canasta or On The Pot.

Does anyone else here like puzzles?
I do like puzzles, but now with my little one, I find it difficult to do because she wants to help :D. So....I have to settle with helping her with her Strawberry Shortcake puzzles.

Who was the first concert you went to see? I went to see Billy Joel at a young age with a friend and her parents :)
lol that's cute Nikki ohh and i love strawberry shortcake !!
hmm well, it was a group called Magneto, they used to sing sort of like pop music, i had all their tapes :D and after that concert i couldn't speak for a day hehe.

same question
First concert was .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Huh?

same question
The first concert I went to was Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton when I was little. Even though I do like their music, the first concert I went to of my own choosing was Garth Brooks.

Have you ever stuffed croissants with cheese to make them less French?

Ummm.....I can't eat a croissant.....that wheat allergy thing :(

What's for dinner tonight?