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Does Krick have to come? And sorry guys i wont be able to come over for Xmas, i will be packing. But we can plan a Vegas trip when i come back!

Whose coming with me?
That works for me. Then again so does Vegas, lol.

Gab, as far as I know Candy Nerites are the same as the regular kind as far as eating habits go. That means they'll eat damn near any algae. They usually come out of the Philippines.

Has anyone ever had a saltwater pond?

No SW pond, i cant even keep clowns alive, good question thou, do you have a pic or something?

And Ken, Nov is cuttin it to short, will have to be afterwards unless you guys have a spare $1500 lying aroun', thats what it cost to fly to Guam, or you could bug BigT and he could hop you over there

Vegas sounds better, lets all plan around April'ish!!!!

THink they have candy nerites in GuaM? i could get you some Gab and if they didnt make the trip at least you could have candy hermits!

What fish are native to the island of Guam and how would i find out if i wanted to "browse"?
Does Krick have to come?

What heppened Jiddy...You spelled my name wrong twice on 2 seperate posts :mad: ? SD doesn't make spelling a criteria or mandatory in their schools huh (if they have any) or is my name hard to read? I know my name is a little odd, but Jiffy...I mean Jiddy ain't much different. :shock:

Clayton, no saltwater ponds here. I've seen one that a guy set up, but it's basically for him to keep his fish and conchs in, which he catches to eat later. It looks pretty dumb if you ask me.

Anyone planning a halloween party this year?
I plan on attending one, but am not going to have a halloween party.'s my Q again....anyone else want to go with Jiddy to Guam?
Krick, you've only seen it twice? you must of missed a few, and Jiffy thats clever, like the oil change business, funny.

Thanks for the links Nikki, looks like 3days and $150 Dollars i will be diving with the sharks!

Hey Krick, do you know the rules for tourist taking corals and/or fish from the bahamas? I wrote a guy in Guam, but was curious how your island worked, and are you sure you dont want to take a banana boat over to Guam? you can show me how to smoke crab!

On with the show..... Whose going to Guam
Yeah I know the rules Jiddy...It is supposed to be against the law, however, you can take what you want as laws like that, aren't really enforced here. Not much law here if you ask me, but that's a different story. The Bahamas is a small county and everyone knows everyone. If you wanted to take back a whole reef, I could have it arranged...That's small things.

Jiffy thats clever, like the oil change business, funny.
No I actually meant Jiffy peanut butter from the pic you posted of yourself catching a fish (LOL)

About the banana boat ride...Why come by banana boat when I can come by yacht :D

Back to Jiddy's Guam trip.
Thanks dood Jiddy, i think it would be awesome dood :D .
and if we all go to Vegas, please don't bug me for not getting up from the poker table :D .
i can't go to Guam :( otherwise i would be the first ;) ohh and guys no fighting doods, i mean sometimes its ok to pick on Ken but that's it lol .. i'm joking ken.

same Guam question
Well, it's been 5 hrs since anyone posted here. I guess no-one else wants to talk about Guam anymore (LOL).

So same Guam question (out of respect for the creator of the thread I guess) or new question...

Anyone tried to get a freshwater fish to live in saltwater or vice versa?

Yes - I'd like to take a trip to Guam. Especially if it is winter here.

What's you favorite part of the hobby?
One is buying new things and setting it up. I will find myself sometimes taking apart what I already did and setting it back up the same way. Also, I honestly enjoy spending my time in the water catching new things for the tank. I am very priviledged to live where I do because I don't have to spend a lot of money on fish etc. to have them come home and not work out for me or die or something. So I guess, where I live is a better answer to my favorite part of the hobby.

same question.
lol darn it Krish don't rub it in to much :D i'm getting jelous ;).
hmm my favorite part of the hobby ... CORALS !! i'm addicted to corals, touching, watching them, feeding them *drooling* :D i love placing any new coral in the tank and making sure it has enough light and stuff i also love watching my skimmer and the bubbles

do you ever take a nap even a 20 mins one ?
I want to go to Guam!!!! Then I can pick out what the Jid man is going to smuggle home for us.

Learning new things is the fun part of the hobby for me, and looking at tanks.

Same question