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Hmmm....not sure yet. Hubby is away on a business trip, so not sure if he'll be back in time for dinner. If he is, then probably some seasoned Chicken, rice and veggies.....if not, then the little one and I will hit a restaurant :) lolol

Do you wear glasses, contacts, Lasik surgery, or is your vision perfect?
lol lucky !! :D

yes i wear contacts because i'm blind no joke as soon as i take them out i can't see at all :( and my husband wears contacts too, the only lucky one with a perfect vision right now is our son and i hope it stays like that.

same question
If I had a phobian I think it would be sinkaphobia (I made up that name LOL) I can't touch anything like food, noodles, rice whatever it is in the sink. I heave if I'm washing dishes and my hand rubs up against some cold soggy noodles (LOL) K enough about cold soggy food...Next question.

Is it sad that only the same handful of people keep this thread going?
LOL!!! wait until you have a kid and we'll see :D
hmm i don't think its sad unless you hate talking to me :( i like this thread and if anyone doesn't feel like joining well.. then they are missing it.

do you know anything about candy snails (no krish they are not candys :D) ?
No I love talking to you and whoever else wants to talk. I have no idea what candy snail are...So for you, same question.
yuuhhuu !!! lol
and thanks for asking the same question because i really have no clue, i bought them but i really don't know what do they eat (i'm assuming algae)
Thanks Gabriela, they are a type of Nerite snail, but couldn't find anything else about them.

Do you know where to get some?
yeah dood, i bought mine at Blue Sierra i believe i paid 2 bucks for each.
they also had some kewl orange ones but the price was way way way out of my league for a snail.

ok since ken just came from his fishing trip... who wants to go and have dinner at Ken's house ? !! :D i'm sure we can all share some fish
I caught 3 beautiful steelhead, but they were all natives and had to release them. By the time I had to release my 3rd fish, I was a little ..uhh... dissapointed so I took a pic. He was a fatty, and put on one heck of a fight. So 3 nice fish, and nothing in the fridge....

So who wants to come over and just hang out?
I do....but it will take awhile before I get there :D

Krish - I don't like left over cold food in the sink either. Blech! Or touching the utensils if they are cold and wet. That's why I rely on my dishwasher! I don't have to touch that stuff. If you wear gloves, it isn't that bad.

Who thinks Gabriela's Candy Snail is going to get covered up in coralline before she realizes she won't be able to see the pretty colors any more?
Wow thanks Nikki, that will be wonderfull to meet you and chat in person. Do you have an eta so I may prepare? Favorite meal, drink, and social activity will help with the preperations.

I hope she gets to enjoy them a little bit, hate to see her have to scrape coraline off shells.

Anyone else want to come over and hang out with Nikki and I?
ohh Nikki, i know they look pretty on the picture but once you see them in person they are not that kewl :( and i think they are hard to keep because so far one of them died and every snail i have had at least it usually last me a couple of months :p :D.

who agree with me that Krish,Nikki and Jiddy should come up here before Cristmas or around Cristmas? :D we'll make a huge party that they will never forget :D