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So you guys arent going to Guam? Its only $150 and 3days to get scuba certified!

My favorite part about the hobby is looking at other peoples tanks and thinking someday mine might be like that. I just need some of those fancy PH's that stick to the side of you tank.

Same ?
I have to say I love almost everything. except when things die, or I'm frustrated about something :p. I love to watch the fish swim, and look at the corals.

Gab - I do take naps, when I can. Now that the little one is eliminating naps from our day, I miss my 15 minute power nap. Although, I did get one today...she has a fever, so I had to lay with her.

Are we starting to repeat the same questions again?
Yes we are, thats what happens when you have over 10000 viewers and 73 pages

Are we starting to repeat the same questions again?
lol yes we are sometimes, hey i asked if anyone takes naps and the only one who answered was Nikki.
ohh Nikki, please how do you do it, my son can finish a whole galon of milk and still he doesn't like napping anymore, he doesn't get fussy or anything, but I get tired.
i mean he wakes up at 6 a.m. and goes to bed at 10 p.m. and he doesn't get tired !!
sometimes i feel like i'm going nuts. :cry: no joke he has way more energy than me.

can you have a sponge if you have a skimmer? i'm asking this because i know skimmers make some little bubbles in the tank so would that affect the sponge?
Gab, when setup properly skimmers shouldn't put bubbles in the water. Having said that, some types of sponges do poorly in really clean water; so in those cases an efficient skimmer might harm the sponge. Most species of sponge do poorly in captivity period though.

Krish, saltwater ponds can be useful for several reasons. For one they work great for coral grow-out tanks; costing a fraction of what aquariums cost. They can also be kinda cool for creating a tidal pool; which is about the only way around here we see our local anemones, urchins, scallops and so on. You can also dive, but you have to be willing to put up with 50 degree water; and that's in the summer!

Ever had a moment you swear your fish or invert was intelligent?

When I start to think the fish or inverts have any sign of intelligence....I remember they are in a glass box, and I'm walking around free. My bicolor blenny though, I think has some intelligence. When I tried to catch him, he would sit right on the outside of the trap, and wait for any pieces of food to float out. He would only poke his head in, and not his whole body. It finally took me leaving the room for him to go into the trap......and my other half to catch him :mad:

spongebob lover said:
lol yes we are sometimes, hey i asked if anyone takes naps and the only one who answered was Nikki.
ohh Nikki, please how do you do it, my son can finish a whole galon of milk and still he doesn't like napping anymore, he doesn't get fussy or anything, but I get tired.
i mean he wakes up at 6 a.m. and goes to bed at 10 p.m. and he doesn't get tired !!
sometimes i feel like i'm going nuts. :cry: no joke he has way more energy than me.

Gab - I totally understand the "nuts" feeling....and I do believe they have more energy than we do. If they are cranky or sick (my daughter spiked a 103.5 fever last night), then you get more exhausted. Ummm.....I usually have my daughter take a "rest" everyday. She can stay awake, but she needs to lay down and rest (whether its on the couch or her bed). I'll read her a story, or put a movie on for her. But, she has to rest for 30 min. It seems to help give us both a much needed break from over stimulation. And she'll still go to bed at 8pm.

Anyone else enjoy riding horses? I rode competitively growing up and competed with Purdue's Equestrian Team. I don't ride often anymore, but do enjoy jumping on every now and then.
Gab - I totally understand the "nuts" feeling....and I do believe they have more energy than we do. If they are cranky or sick (my daughter spiked a 103.5 fever last night), then you get more exhausted. Ummm.....I usually have my daughter take a "rest" everyday. She can stay awake, but she needs to lay down and rest (whether its on the couch or her bed). I'll read her a story, or put a movie on for her. But, she has to rest for 30 min. It seems to help give us both a much needed break from over stimulation. And she'll still go to bed at 8pm.[/U]

well i've tried putting him on his bed and reading him a book and he'd just jump and jump and he'll start singing, then i try rocking him and he just start kicking me and laughing, then i usually try putting him in our bed and even fake that i'm asleep and he'll start jumping or since he knows how to unlock the door he just takes off and usually he'll start opening and closing the refrigerator.
I also tried locking him in his bedroom to see if he would get tired and go to sleep, but since he knows how to unlock the door it doesn't matter anymore.
when it used to be nice out i would take him to the swimming pool for 2 hours and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.

Now about riding horses, i used to date a guy who lived in a far and everytime i would go to his house he would teach me how to ride, so yeah i really enjoyed it other than that, i haven't ride a horse in a while.

when you go to a party, do you usually dance or just drink?
I don't drink and really don't go to parties. I kind of feel out of place. I do sometimes go to dances where there is no drinking and I like to dance. All I know how to do is the two step, the box step, and slow dance. Then again girls don't seem to mind as long as I don't step on toes. LOL
On the intelligent question. I believe fish are much smarter than they are given credit for. I mean they live in a extremely hostile enviroment, they carefully stake out a definite territory, they are able to adapt to captivity, recognise their feeder from across the room and react one way, and react differently to a new person. The manipulate their enviroment (jawfish, pistol shrimp just to mention one) They watch us intently and follow us. Maybe it is just a pavlov feeding response. I don't know for a fact one way or the other.
How much is your electric bill each month?
i agree with you Steve on the smart fish question.
my electric bill used to be 200 every month :(, but in the place where we are living now our bill its only 50 bucks :D because we have gas now.

same question
well i've tried putting him on his bed and reading him a book and he'd just jump and jump and he'll start singing, then i try rocking him and he just start kicking me and laughing, then i usually try putting him in our bed and even fake that i'm asleep and he'll start jumping or since he knows how to unlock the door he just takes off and usually he'll start opening and closing the refrigerator.
I also tried locking him in his bedroom to see if he would get tired and go to sleep, but since he knows how to unlock the door it doesn't matter anymore.

Gab - you should get the safety covers for door handels. They work wonders! That was the only way I could get a shower if she wasn't sleeping....I have one on my bedroom door. Bathroom and bedroom are child-proof. She knows how to work the safety cover, but her hands are too small to do it. No opened doors! You have your hands full :). I have days like that, too. When they laugh at you its the worst....time outs soon to follow, with loss of privelidges after that (toys, TV, playdates, etc). Gaaa! I wouldn't trade it for the world, though! She's home sick today......I'm amazed at how much her behavior changes once the Motrin kicks in. I just got through telling her to lay down, instead of jump on the couch. Now she's shouting, "But I'm feeling better!". *sigh* until the fever spikes again :)

I have no idea what the difference in our electric bill was. The hubby hasn't complained, so it must not by very noticable? I'm sure the difference is dependent on size of the home and what you have running throughout the day. In the warm weather, our whole house air runs alot, then in the winter we have a natural gas furnace and appliances, so it kind of balances out. At least that's what I tell myself anyway :D

New question....You're stranded on a deserted island.....if you could have one object with you, what would you want it to be? (don't forget Survivor tonight)
Gab - you should get the safety covers for door handels. They work wonders! That was the only way I could get a shower if she wasn't sleeping....I have one on my bedroom door. Bathroom and bedroom are child-proof. She knows how to work the safety cover, but her hands are too small to do it. No opened doors! You have your hands full . I have days like that, too. When they laugh at you its the worst....time outs soon to follow, with loss of privelidges after that (toys, TV, playdates, etc). Gaaa! I wouldn't trade it for the world, though! She's home sick today......I'm amazed at how much her behavior changes once the Motrin kicks in. I just got through telling her to lay down, instead of jump on the couch. Now she's shouting, "But I'm feeling better!". *sigh* until the fever spikes again

hmm good idea Nikki, i'm gonna have to do that because otherwise he's quite smart about locks, i'm really sorry that your cute little girl is sick :( i hope she gets better soon.
Now if i was in a deserted island i think i would want it to be a knife, but i would rather have my husband with me so he can catch the food for me :D because i still would not have a clue how to catch a fish or how to make a little hut :( .
I'd want a knife. With Caller ID, I doubt anyone would answer my phone call :D

What would be the first thing you'd do on the island? make shelter, find water, fire, etc.?
I guess fresh water would be #1, shelter #2, food source #3, and then a nice toasty fire. I would look for a marshmallow patch, a chocolate bar tree, and a graham cracker bush so I could have smores. I make them real good!!

Same ?
LOL!! the same here.
hey could i be stranded in the island with hmm... Ben Affleck, keifer Autherland or may be Matt Haselback (second thought naww he's bald) :D.

hmm well if there's an actor around i'd be yuuhhuu :D but if i was by myself i'd be pretty much freaking out at first and then i would start making the shelter :D .

same question