spongebob lover
flea whisperer
yeah well i wanna go to Guam too, but i can't
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spongebob lover said:lol yes we are sometimes, hey i asked if anyone takes naps and the only one who answered was Nikki.
ohh Nikki, please how do you do it, my son can finish a whole galon of milk and still he doesn't like napping anymore, he doesn't get fussy or anything, but I get tired.
i mean he wakes up at 6 a.m. and goes to bed at 10 p.m. and he doesn't get tired !!
sometimes i feel like i'm going nuts.no joke he has way more energy than me.
Gab - I totally understand the "nuts" feeling....and I do believe they have more energy than we do. If they are cranky or sick (my daughter spiked a 103.5 fever last night), then you get more exhausted. Ummm.....I usually have my daughter take a "rest" everyday. She can stay awake, but she needs to lay down and rest (whether its on the couch or her bed). I'll read her a story, or put a movie on for her. But, she has to rest for 30 min. It seems to help give us both a much needed break from over stimulation. And she'll still go to bed at 8pm.[/U]
well i've tried putting him on his bed and reading him a book and he'd just jump and jump and he'll start singing, then i try rocking him and he just start kicking me and laughing, then i usually try putting him in our bed and even fake that i'm asleep and he'll start jumping or since he knows how to unlock the door he just takes off and usually he'll start opening and closing the refrigerator.
I also tried locking him in his bedroom to see if he would get tired and go to sleep, but since he knows how to unlock the door it doesn't matter anymore.
Gab - you should get the safety covers for door handels. They work wonders! That was the only way I could get a shower if she wasn't sleeping....I have one on my bedroom door. Bathroom and bedroom are child-proof. She knows how to work the safety cover, but her hands are too small to do it. No opened doors! You have your hands full . I have days like that, too. When they laugh at you its the worst....time outs soon to follow, with loss of privelidges after that (toys, TV, playdates, etc). Gaaa! I wouldn't trade it for the world, though! She's home sick today......I'm amazed at how much her behavior changes once the Motrin kicks in. I just got through telling her to lay down, instead of jump on the couch. Now she's shouting, "But I'm feeling better!". *sigh* until the fever spikes again
Good answer Ken.A satellite telephone to call for help.