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oops - Detri beat me to it. Ummm.....first, I'd look around to see if anyone dropped it, or if it had been there awhile. Chances are, $50 would have to just fallen out. Then, I'd take it and go to the fish store :).

Same Q....what would you do with $50 you found on the street?
To be fair hehe, I think he is a nut job and needs help. Kidding hehe.

If I saw the person drop it. I would catch up to the person and give it back. But otherwise I would keep it. I mean what are you going to do, take it to the police station and have them ask everyone to identify it. Like in the move Police Academy. Old Lady: "Officer the telephone took my quater!" Police officer: (damn can't remember the dudes name lol) Gun shots, sound of quarters falling out of the machine "Can you identify your quarter Ma'am?"

The $50 question
hmm well i think i'd do the same thing if i see someone dropped it, i would give it back otherwise i'd probably either buy something or send it to my mom or my sister :) .
Clay if you house is haunted, then why in the world are you living there :D ?

same question
I'd keep it to prevent someone less fortunate than myself from getting it and wasting the money on meaningless things like food, lol. Seriously, I'd keep it.

No, I'm not nuts or pulling your leg; the house is really haunted. I live here because you get used to it after a while. Besides the idiot who runs up behind you (which doesn't happen very often, hasn't happened in several years), none of them are scary. You occasionally see the cat walking across the room or running away when you open the door, nothing too scary about that.

Since it's that time of the year I'll ask another similar question... What's the strangest thing you've ever seen? Supernatural I mean, not a two-headed dog or something.

About the $50 question, I'd go down to Rock farms and get $50 worth of rocks and have it delivered right outside the door of the computer company that is trying to screw me and have a field day throwing them at the building (LOL)

How much weight have you gained or lost in the last month?
To answer Clayton's question. The strangest is when I was in the hospital after delivering my daughter. My mom passed away 3 months before I had her, and it was a very very sad time for all of us. We looked forward to my little one's birth, and she was born via Emergency C-Section. As excited as I was to have my baby, I was sad at the same time because my mom wasn't going to be here to share the joy of my first born. As I was in the hospital bed that night, I opened my eyes only to see my mom standing at the foot of the bed - next to the little baby bed thingy (I've got to be on some heavy drugs, I thought). I didn't tell anyone, until I was on the phone with my sister later the following day. While I was telling her, I saw a look of horror on my husband's face. He said he saw the exact same thing.....I described what she was wearing to my sis, and he said I described what he saw to a T, and that really freaked him out. Over the next year of my daughter's life, I would occasionally smell my mom's perfume during tough times. It's been probably 2 years or so, since I've smelled it. Anyway, that's my supernatural story.

Krish - never ask a woman about her weight! ROFL - I've been the same over the last month.

Same supernatural question.....
I don't know if this was supernatural or a case of a psycho sister, but my sister has always done this as long as I can remember...

On one occasion, my sister woke up and told us that she had a dream about a plane crashing in Dover's Sound (area in Freeport Grand Bahama) and she say five people dead. Later that day a private plane crashed in Dover's Sound and five people died in it! That was first time ever she did that and has done it a couple of times before. I told her not to dream about me unless it's about me winning the lotto otherwise, keep her dreams about me to herself.

New question...Does anyone else think that this decade (2000-10) will be the worst ever in history (because of things like the hurricane disaster in New Orleans, the Tsunami, September 11th, earthquakes, other terrorist attack etc) or do you think things will get better?
History has had far worse years, let alone decades. Things will get better, they always do.

Glass, titanium, or no heater at all?

Krish, I think the next decade (2011 - 2020) will be worse than the 2001 - 2010. And Krish, decade starts with 2001 and a decade is 10 years by definition, LOL. Probably the 2021 - 2030 decade will rock even more... and the 2031 - 2040, well, some of us might start peeing on ourselves or worse.
But then you probably should ask your sister instead of bothering with us here...
Well Clayton, no heater. At least I don't need any. If your tank is too cold, throw in some powerhead somewhere, a tunze or something. Don't bother with something that just wastes energy as pure heat.
My question: Did any of you actually tried to taste their tank water or ate any chaeto, fried some fish?
Well I have never purposely tried to drink the tank water. I have tasted it from syphoning to do water changes. I'd try the snails but being so small they would be a pain in the butt to eat lol.

If you had to buy a new tank, would it be acrylic or glass?
yes dood !! i'm not a big fan of peach cobbler so for me it wasn't that good, but my husband thought i was really good since he kept asking one of my aunt's for it.

how come no one is chatting tonight?
I didn't realize that there was a chat night every sunday. Besides I am affraid you guys might find out I am new to the hobby or something.

What is your preferred footwear?