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Gabster, I'm afraid your logic on the Suckhawks doesn't work. Seattle teams have a long tradition of sucking more each year.

i know dood but my heart says that they are gonna do good this year for some reason :D .
No problem Ken .
Clay i like your beer likes :D
Now one of the most anoying sounds i ever heard it's my neighbour's dog, omg that stupid dog looks like a wolf and you can always hear it at 4 30 in the morning barking and howeling (crying ) non stop until 10 in the morning, one time i heard my neighbour from downstairs screaming shut up !! no joke it wakes up the whole building.

same question
I have to go with grapefruit pop (soda for those on the east coast, or dope for those in TN). The one I drink most of the time though is Orange Fanta. I'd never even heard of it before going to England. I came back home to discover we had it here too.

I hate the noise of a windshield wiper scraping against the windshield when it's dry. It drives me nuts when someone leaves it on after the rain stops.

Okay, truthfully; how often do you wonder if all this work keeping fish is worth it?

I dont read this mumbo jumbo anymore but i wanted to say that the Seahawks are actually a good team this year and since they are NFC have a good chance to get close to the superbowl, with VICK, McNabb and Griese injured that knocks out three good NFC teams, only leaving the Hawks', Cowboys and whoever can pull it out in the NFC north, my guess is Packers or Vikings
lol !! Jiddy !!!
I also have a feeling it's gonna be the Packers, but we'll see what happens, did you watch the game viking vs. seahawks it was really really intence :D .
You know Clay, sometimes i feel like it's not worth it.
Seriously sometimes i get tired of changing water, feeding fishes, scraping coralline etc and flooding hehe.

same question
If it is work to you then I would question if it is worth it to you, I don't consider it work.

Same ?
Sometimes I get to the point where I could pitch the whole thing out of the window, but in the end, I kind of enjoy it. I am taking my fish to my friends house this week and taking out the backwall and adding about 100lbs of LR to the tank (to start with)hopefully this weekend. Oh yeah, the bio-balls are out the window too. I'm going to do it right once and for all to see if it is really worth it. No fish till probably nest year sometime. You could ask my the same question if this thread is still around in about a year or so.

What do you regret basically everytime you eat or drink it?
Popcorn, no doubt. It always sounds good, and it tastes good; but you always end up with that crap between your teeth. My OCD doesn't handle that very well. How is it that this thread ended up with two people with OCD?

Ken, you seriously never get tired of the maintenance? If that's so more power to you. After about four or five years I usually get burned out; but then again I never keep only a few tanks. It's usually somewhere between eight and twelve. Think that makes a difference? lol

Same question.

(ummm, no... I had responded to a much earlier question :p)

Regretful drinking?? Hummm... homemade moonshine for sure. That stuff sneaks up on you fast~~ Then you spend the next few months listening to your friends make fun of you for all the silly things said & done :eek:

Same question....
Jiddy i've read that the anemone itself will not release any toxins, but you could end up with some ammonia problems that's why you gotta take off the carcass asap :) .

hmm regretful drinking? when you are used to beer and then all of a sudden your "boyfriend" order drinks that are really good and you just keep going and going until you are so drunk that you can't really see what you are paying for :D and your other friend is in the men's bathroom arguing with a guy because she thinks it's the girl's bathroom :D

same question
No regretful drinking because I don't drink. However, regretful eating, like eating a lot of spicy and greasy foods.

Do you still listen to cassette tapes?