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I want a natural one this year. I think I am going to get the kind with a root ball, but a small one so it has a chance at survival instead of having 5 foot of its tap root cut off. I may just buy a stupid plastic one havent really decided yet.
Favorite candy it Toffe'e The chocolatte filled hazelnut with a coating of soft sweet caramel. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Favorite coffee bean? mine is Tanzinian Peaberry.
hmm well i haven't seen it here but in Canada there was something called organic mexican, it was really good.

same question.
I don't have any clue as to what my favorite coffee bean is, as I don't like the taste of coffee.

When you were a child....did you ever break something and hide it, only for your mom or dad to discover it later?
lol !! Nikki :D, if you only knew how bad i was .
hmm well i never broke anything exept the neighbour's window :D .
but let's see, one time i was feeling so bad for my mom :D because her favorite perfume was almost gone, so i hidded from her and the next morning i put water in the bottle and then i put it back where it was, my mom didn't notice it until my grandma told her :doubt: :D
ohh and i used to hide the vegetables behind a huge radio and disc player(you knwo the dvd but in huge and black) :p

same question
At the age of eight, I set my bed on fire, put it out on my own, and covered it with a blanket. Scary huh?

What's your favorite holiday?
:shock: hmm ok :D

my favorite holiday is when my kid leaves me alone for 3 hours :D .. just kidding.
i really like Christmas, i love decorating the house and buying stuff for the family and muaa i mean me :) .
Gaberella ya have to start leaving a question girl..........

How far would you drive just to go to a Fish Store??
lol hmm i'd say 18 hours or more but then again i don't know how to drive so i'd have to beg the husband which he'd probably say that i'm going nuts :D and there's no way he's missing his computer games and friends on line, so may be 1 and 20 mins is the far a can push.. unless i come up with a very good speech and may be some tears :D that can move him :p .

same question and sorry Ken i totally forgot dood
Hmmm....4 hours, with fellow reefers. Nothing like oogling over livestock with other reef nerds, and talking about it on a long drive home.....then having the spouse giggle at what a total geek I am :D.

What was your most recent impulse purchase for your tank?
A sea swirl yesterday. I should have it today or tomorrow as I sent in next day UPS (shhh my wife thinks the sea swirl just costed $200 and not shipping was $40 of it LOL)

same question.
a calcium reactor for my 90. Deffinately was not in the cards but i do love it.

Would you ever drink a gallon of skimmer scum for the tank of your dreams? (that means all equipment, livestock, lighting, etc..)
Gross! No way....especially if it came out of my Euro-Reef!

That was a great question.....repeat.....
well so far Nikki because i didn't get to go to the PSAS meeting, i went and bought a cleaner shrimp just to calm down my anger hehe :D .
No !! i'd never drink that unless they add salt or sugar to make it taste good :D ... just joking.

same question
No, but if it was for a house big enough to put my dream tank into I would LOL. Hey if I died, Then my wife could sell the house keep the current tank and live nicely. The house will have to be HUGE. What size house would I need for a 4000g diplay tank? hahaha

Same question?