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Well, at 17 drunk, high, and on lsd. I, with 3 friends in the same state as me, decided I was Mario Andretti, in a 1980 volare station wagon, went off the edge of the road, broke a tie rod, went back across the road, off a small cliff, started to roll over onto the passanger side, hit a refrigerator someone had dumped, cut the door open, set back on the wheels, then went thru the woods untill hitting a cedar tree just big enough to fold to the ground, and sit ballanced in the center of the rear axle, holding the rear wheels both off the ground. We should all be dead.
Then in a freinds car, I changed his spark plugs, so it was actually running on all the cyl. instead of 3 of them. We got drunk, and then he went flying off the same road in a different place.
Then in the snow in Ill. I turned left, on a pouring sleeting, raining, snowing day. A guy in a truck was doing a 50 in a school zone and hit the right front of my truck, everybody else was doing about 20, it knocked me across the median into oncoming traffic.
and yesterday, I missed in the rain, a head on collision by about the width of a credit card standing on end. I am glad I have michellen tires. If not I would in the hospitol today.
So thats my question.
WTG Rust Wallace! That's why you don't drink and drive unless you are Bahamian!(LOL) People drink and drive all the time here and never crash...It' the ones that aren't drinking that do:shock:

same question.
LMBO !!!! ohh you guys are killing me :lol: .
Krish that's a good one dood !!! you are just as bad as Ken :lol: .
who doesn't like Steve ... you are freaking hilarious dood !! :lol:
LOL...She means Wrightme43 not your dad(LOL)

Krish SHHH.... he was about to tell us some either funiest/ weirdest things about his dad and now we won't know .... thanks a lot dood your ruined the confesions :doubt: :p :D
Krish SHHH.... he was about to tell us some either funiest/ weirdest things about his dad and now we won't know .... thanks a lot dood your ruined the confesions

LOL...Let's get back on track here...

Favorite way you like potatoes?
yeah yeah yeah potatoes .... i wanted to hear the confesions !!! :D .
Fine.. fine.. hmm at this moment the only ways i like them is fried or mushed with tons of lemon

same question
I like potatoes baked, when the skin gets all crispy Yummmmmm. A little sour cream and I'm good to go. Sweet potatoes are my absolute favorite though.

Same Q....
Sweet potatoes rock!! i just tried them for the first time at my fiance's house for thanksgiving . It was like Crack!!! i couldn't get enough, i think i went to the store threetimes the week after just to buy more Sweet Potatoes. Needless to say i don't want to see a sweet potatoe again until next Thanksgiving!!

Have any of you ever tried a littles handheld device called 20Q?
Its like in the shape of a ball and it asks you twenty questions and tries to guess what your thinking. i would have to say that 90% of the time it guesses right!!