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LOL !!! let me think about this one hmm.... HECK YEAH !! :D .
may be take some pictures of mickey, mini, donald and eat all the different foods they have including the turkey leg.

same question
Yes I wish I was in Orlando. It is 36F right now, which is warm for this time of year. I just looked at the forecast and it shows snow, but we'll see :rolleyes:

Do you still own a phone with a cord? or are all your house phones cordless and/or cellular?
I have one with a cord for when the power goes out. Other than that cordless...

Ever tripped over the cord for a cordless phone?(LOL)
No...the phone's cord is out of reach from my feet - thank goodness.

Roller Skate or Ice Skate?
I like both actually. I haven't been ice skating in a number of years, but man I loved it. Roller skating, too.

Do you sing in the car? Do you sing in the car when there are other people in the car with you?
I sing with my kids in the car all the time. When the radio's on, you might call it singing: I sing the words I know, mumble the ones I don't. I'm a terrible singer too, just ask my husband. He wishes I were shier.

Same question.
lol !!! yeap my husband and i sing all the time and if we don't Antonio starts singing :) .
ohh and we also love to sing in the bathroom :D .

same question
Unfortunately yes alone, and yes with others (but only if it is my daughter or some of my really close girlfriends). Lately, I've been playing the Tori Amos DVD for my daughter while we are in the car (a break from Radio Disney, and Laurie Berkner CDs), and she sings like nobody's business....has her favorites to play over and over, too.

Do you carry an extra toothbrush in the car?
I carry some cash, a extra pair of socks, jumper cables, a 10mm, a 7/16, a 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4" wrenchs, a snap on ratcheting screwdriver, a test light, extra fuses, a quart of oil, tail light bulbs, mouthwash, a knife, a flashlight, a bic lighter, a tow strap, in winter my insulated coveralls, and a towel. If I cant make it with that, I should just give up and die. LOL
I know I am nuts. Its ok I am used to me. LOL
When I was a little kid, we were driving to Champain Illinois for Christmas. There was a blizzard while we were on the road. We had to stop and stay in a hotel. The state closed the interstate. Wind chill got down to 50 below zero. The whole inside of the hotels metal door had a thick solid coat of ice on it. The van would barely start, it made a big impression on me. I dont wanna die in the cold on the side of the road.
What kind of survival kit do you have in your car?
A cell phone!

Seriously though, I have the cell phone, extra winter hats and mittens, jumper cables, ice scraper, I think there are extra fuses, bungee cords, some strap thingy, water, toothbrush, and my girly tears for help :D. I suppose if the weather is going to be too bad, then I'll toss in the little travel shovel, incase I get snowed in somewhere. The other vehicle has several blankets in the back, along with tools, too.

good Q...let's repeat it....
hmm well I'm in Seattle, so we just carry unbrellas :D hmm... we got in the car an extra stroller, a computer laptop and cables, cds, toys, a blanket and that's about it... ohh and my husbands has for some reason chocolates from 2years a go.
i always tell him to carry stuff but since he now takes the bus he doesn't care.
Steve, you carry way to much stuff hehe, i guess women for sure feel secure around you :D

same question.
This thread has been idle too long(LOL) Here's a new question...

Ever had a "dog poop war"? I had my first one yesterday with one of my workers(LOL) We were at the GM car dealer yesterday and he was playing around for the longest throwing boxes etc at me (playing around) so I scooped up some dog poop and hit him with it:lol: Too funny:lol:
Uhhhhhh Nooooo
A friend and I did take warm horse poop, mix it with eggs, put it in a ziplock back, and on friday squirt it in a girls locker in high school.
Monday we were already in trouble at the office, when she came in pissed off.
Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
LMBO!!!! you guys are hilarious :lol:, no dood i have never had a dog poop war, but when Antonio was 3 months i was sitting on his rocking chair reading him and all of a sudden it felt really warn, so i checked him and he pooped (dihirreah) so much that i got it all over my pants too:D

now back to the question i guess