~~Aprlil 19th, Bob Moore "Pay it forward" Frag Swap~~

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Ed, where is last years picnic at Penny's Salsa?

I want you all to know, even though I want to "quit" the club; and have quit "tanks"; I still love the club. At my new office, I have a 5 x 7 of that picture on my cabinet where my family shrine is. :) Everyone says oh who are those people? So I tell them those are my friends; which is why it's really hard to really "quit" :)
Are you (and maybe your dad) planning to go Saturday? I am going so we may want to hook up and ride together. Sometimes parking can get crowded when the meetings are at a house. Let me know!

Yes, we will :)

My dad or I should be home all day tomarrow, so we can contact each other sometime before.


man I hope its not snowing like it is right now for tomorow this is crazy inches of snow on the ground int he middle of April!
The pics were some guys etc in Speedos and santa hats. dnjan was right. They may have been funny but some may take it wrong. I just thought it would be best to remove so that we stay on track and not turn this into one of my famous joke fest that could get out of hand. All is good and can't wait till tomorrow. Lets all have fun and injoy great company,food,drink,corals and hopefully we can get Ed to dance :D:D.
LOL well the last major storm we had here I was the ONLY one in the entire complex where I live that not only made it up the hill but up into the complex and parked in my spot. Everyone else was just spinning and sliding down the hill including the all wheel drives (something to be said for 9000 pounds eh?) so you are correct, however its all those other idiots out there in the hondas that THINK they can get through it at 80mph that I worry about (although who you think will win that batlte?) Hey I like my trucks :cool:


If the 05 can't make it there is alway ol' trusty

Oh and for the battle answer the winner is....
Nissan Altima vs 2001 Dodge Ram

mmmmm Nissan taste good!

Ok sorry for derailing the thread back to our regularly scheduled program :D

If thats your truck in your avatar I think you should be alright.
Will defer to the official president, Randy on the making it a non-member event.

The thing is... it is and has always been a "club" which means "members". Hey, for real reefers, the $25 bucks is nothing and paid for over and over in price reductions are our wonderful sponsors. :)

As all meetings, they are members only. :)
I remember my first PSAS meeting

About 8 or 9 years ago, When I was new and struggling with this reef keeping hobby I attended my first PSAS meeting. It was at some guys house in Newcastle that I could barely even find. I didn't know anyone, I just showed up because I had seen a flyer at the LFS. The club had no internet presence at all and there was certainly no Reef Frontiers forum promoting events. I met about 15 people at that meeting. Four or five of us were "newbies" like me attending a PSAS meeting for the first or second time. (Chuck Fiterman, Paul Merkling, and Jon from Bellingham to name a few). We gathered around the host's tank and admired his system and all of the wonderful marine life that it supported. We enjoyed some snaks and a few beverages and shared Reef Keeping ideas. A few other members brought some corals that had out grown their tanks at home or that they simply wanted to share with their buddies. When our host found out that several of us were starting from scratch with basically new tanks and hardly any corals, he dug into his tank and pulled out a couple of large colonies. He busted them up into what he called frags (really medium sized colonies) so that each of us left with several new corals. The feeling that I came away with that night was incredible, but it probably wasn't as incredible as the feeling that our host enjoyed. Our host that night was Bob Moore.
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Hope to make it tonight. If Tracy would like to shoot directions to me that would be much appreciated.
Paul - That is a great story! I'm all choked up, I wish I could have met him! I've had a lot of incredible people help me too over the years and I think acknowledging this is important. You are one of them :)

On a side note... is anyone coming tonight from the Olympia area? I have something I need to send to someone up that way and I'm hoping to save him a trip.

Well, ironically, Marty is the guy I'm trying to get some food to. With the way it's snowing around here though, I'm starting to wonder just how many people will be able to come... especially those from the farther points beyond.

I know there has to be other Olympian's around though... anyone?
good news is we only got about an inch of snow last night and its almost all melted off other than the passes I think for the most part the snow will be gone by this evening...
Lakeland Hills - Auburn PSAS Frag Swap weather report:

We have ZERO snow on the ground out here as of 10:15 am. A very light wet snow is currently falling, but it is melting as it hits. So no excuses, let's have some fun.

Here is a shot of the Frag Swap tank with the corals.
