Ben's Mixed Reef

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oh gees - now you're making me blush. :p :p :p

Sean - it was great meeting you the other day man. Hope all works out well w/ the frags & the blue coral trial. keep me posted on the progress.

Gabs - I already told you I liked meeting you, but i'll say it again - good ta meet ya - glad I finally got to meet the fun person with such major devotion that spreads such a fun spirit on the forums!
LOL!!! :lol:.....fine... fine... fine i won't say that your tank is pretty anymore, i'll just shut up :p,
By the way, aren't you supposed to be giving us updates on the food?
Here's an update:

Yesterday unfortunately I was trying to install some more flow in the back and knocked over one rock and then all came tumbling down. Wouldn't ya know it. My big cave on the left of the tank collapsed (arghhhhh). So spent about 5 hrs trying to rebuild it and get it right. I never got it back to the same, but realized I just have way too many corals in there to do some good aquascaping, so thinking I might change things up - haven't decided yet, but may be posting some of my bigger pieces up for sale here shortly to get some room. Considering my big red monti plate, half the slimer colony, pink mili colony, a couple blue stag colonys, etc.. I don't know. I really like these, but they've kind of outgrown my packed tank and it may be time to offload a few of them. Will make a decision in a couple days - stay tuned.

so yeah.. more about my crazy day
My big ORA tort colony broke in three (sniffle )

My big purple tip colony broke off a bunch of branches (sniffle, sniffle) - More frags for Jan.

I lost two frags (solomon & ghost granulosa) from Dang in the rockwork and couldn't find them (sniffle, sniffle, :cry: )

And, as much as I tried, just couldn't rebuild that same cave on the left that I really liked :)cry: :cry: :cry: now balling)

but.. change does have it's upside too. i did find a frag of a small purple zoo colony tucked in the back! yeah! I was kicking myself for selling the big moma rock to begin with.

And, I'm now thinking it may be time to really seriously consider getting a bigger display all together.
Per gabs request- here's an update on the green ooze I've been trying. (aka blue coral method)

Tried over period of 2 weeks. 2 cubes used so far.

The good:

  1. I saw an explosion in my blue stag. Literally, in a week, i'd say it grew a half an inch all around as it reached out and started touching the turaki next to it. I had to cut it b/c the turaki is expensivo and I just didn't want to find out who would win the territory battle.
  2. I saw an explosion in my red monti cap growth wise too.
  3. the green slimer growth seemed to growth pretty good too - man I'm now at the stage where I just don't want that thing to grow any bigger though :lol: :lol: :lol:

The bad:
  1. I've seen an increase in my hair algae - have 4 lettuce nudis on reserve at the frag swap wll hopefully help with that problem
  2. i'm having some trouble with my calcium and alkalinity - not sure if this is due to increased demand or this blue coral method, but my levels are low and out of whack a bit. I also noticed yesterday that I may need to work on my calcium reactor. I think there is a leak or blockage somewhere between the regulator and the unit. The bubble counter on the reactor shows is bubbling, but the one on the reactor doesn't. It could be the check valve too. I need to take some time and figit with it. Hoping to find some time this weekend.

- with being new to this method, I have been all around just on alert watching tank parameters, making sure levels are all in check, keep a close eye, feeding my fish more regularly, more mindful husbandry - I think this could all be contributing to the success of the corals too.

Current Status:
I have put this on hold for the moment until a couple things happen:
  1. I need some more amino acids - hoping to pick some up from the boys at barrier reef at the swap this weekend
  2. I'd like to totally get rid of my hair algae before it becomes a big problem
  3. I'm seroiusly considering getting rid of a few of my bigger pieces in the tank to free up some room. right now, there is not much room for growth.
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you should get some turbos :D :p.
overall, are you satisfied with the method?.
also where did you get all the stuff for it ?
you should get some turbos :D :p.
overall, are you satisfied with the method?.
also where did you get all the stuff for it ?

I am happy with it overall. Got a cleanup crew on the way from David (hooked82) and the ingredients I got at the supermarket.. well actually you know gabs since you're local, I got them all at Central market just down the street- good fresh seafood there. In their health foods department is where I got that L glutamine and the spirulina. If you decide to go for it, I can hook you up with a L glutamine pill. you only need one per batch, except you have to buy a whole darn bottle for $10 at the store. the spriluna though, you'd want to buy a new bottle for b/c you use 20 500mg tabs per batch.
Hey, Ben, sorry to hear about your accident. :|

I think you'll be happy with the plan to move to a bigger tank. Maybe not while it's going on (judging from my recent experience and my cc balance :eek: ), but after it's all said and done....

Thanks for keeping me in mind for any additional frags you end up selling. :)

I would like to see your tank sometime!

Central Market also carries a great dried nori that is cut into strips about 2" long and less than a 1/4" wide. These are great because they do not have any additives and the fish suck them up like sphaghetti. Check it out! :)
I am happy with it overall. Got a cleanup crew on the way from David (hooked82) and the ingredients I got at the supermarket.. well actually you know gabs since you're local, I got them all at Central market just down the street- good fresh seafood there. In their health foods department is where I got that L glutamine and the spirulina. If you decide to go for it, I can hook you up with a L glutamine pill. you only need one per batch, except you have to buy a whole darn bottle for $10 at the store. the spriluna though, you'd want to buy a new bottle for b/c you use 20 500mg tabs per batch.

wwoou dood i didn't know Central Market sells all that stuff, i lived a block away from there for almost 2 years and never knew they had stuff like this :p .
Thank you dood, I'm gonna wait a little before i start doing it but definetly will check it out.
Hey Ben, nice to meet you tonight. I am in awe of your tank. I have a green slimer frag in the middle of my tank like you do (did?).

I wish I could have gotten to the meeting sooner and stayed longer but it was all I could do just to make an appearance! I missed your offerings but I did get a couple of nice frags including a bright pink pocillipora that absolutely glows in my tank... I hope it keeps its color. I need to update my tank project thread with more pics real soon.
Mark - also good meeting you in person and chatting for a bit. I appreciate the compliment. I'll definately be looking forward to updated pics of your tank as I've been following that thread for a while now and love what you've done so far.

The slimer is still in one piece as of this very moment. But it's looking like it'll only be a matter of days before it comes down. I'll be happy to have some more real estate, but I feel like I have "history" with that coral so it'll be sad too:D :D :D

Hey Ben, nice to meet you tonight. I am in awe of your tank. I have a green slimer frag in the middle of my tank like you do (did?).

I wish I could have gotten to the meeting sooner and stayed longer but it was all I could do just to make an appearance! I missed your offerings but I did get a couple of nice frags including a bright pink pocillipora that absolutely glows in my tank... I hope it keeps its color. I need to update my tank project thread with more pics real soon.
Sorry about the accident.
I really love the years 1-5 progression shots. They really demonstrate that good things come to those who wait.:D
Keep us updated on the green ooze. I have been intrigued by the blu coral thread.
good looking set up. Sorry to hear about your rockslide.

How long have you had the mandarin and the anthias?

good looking set up. Sorry to hear about your rockslide.

How long have you had the mandarin and the anthias?


Hey Nick - rockslide isn't all bad. It actually gave me enough Kahoonas (sp) to make some changes all around such as fragging the slimer in half (T-minus about 1 hr actually until Ben Bclaveria comes over for it) and thining out some more corals. My heart did sink though when it happended though and it was really frustrating that I could never get the cave back to how it was on the left.

As for the mandarin - I've had him actually for going on 2 years now. I've had great success with him (knock on wood).

As for the squareside anthias pair (oh how I love these fish), i've had those for just about 3-4 months maybe. They are so cool. Although in hindsight, they really do need a bigger tank like that new one you are working on.
I really love the years 1-5 progression shots. They really demonstrate that good things come to those who wait.:D
Keep us updated on the green ooze. I have been intrigued by the blu coral thread.

those progression shots are fun aren't they? :)

I'll definately keep ya posted on the green ooze.

Before I get started again, I've got to figure out how to keep my ALK and Calcium and Magnesium all at the high levels the BC method calls for without dropping the PH too much. Right now, I'm at a steady 7.8-8.0 ph and can't seem to get much above NSW levels in Calc, alk, and Mg if that. :doubt: :doubt:

Possible solutions i'm considering:
  • kalk reactor to help counteract the calcium reactor (oh brother, another gizmo right?)
  • manual kalk additions in the morning (that takes time though and I'm forgetful)

I don't know, still have to figure it out yet - open to any suggestions from anyone on how to keep my PH up.
What size tank are you wanting to upgrade to?

BTW, I believe its a Bonsai Frag (SPS) not Gonsai...But I could be wrong.
Either way, its gorgeous.

What size tank are you wanting to upgrade to?

BTW, I believe its a Bonsai Frag (SPS) not Gonsai...But I could be wrong.
Either way, its gorgeous.


Ideally I'd like to do something in the 200+ range. While the actual gallons aren't ironed out yet, I do know that something wider than my existing 13" tank is a must for my next tank (ideally 24" wide). Having the extra depth will help with aquascaping, water movement, and overall I just like the look. And the height I actually would like to be 24" tall. Currently I have an 18" and it's great, but I think a little more height would be nice too. For length, that is really undecided b/c I need to figure out where to put it first.

I've been debating an in-wall setup, but as I've been doing more research about it, I'm not sure this is the right house for it as it would be a lot of work to try to make it happen in this house particularly with the way my hot water heater is placed.

I've also recently started debating integrating a island tank into an existing half wall that would seperate the kitchen from the TV room. The only problem with this is that I'd have to bring my sump back underneath the stand and I really, really enjoy having all of my equipment out in the garage b/c.. well... let's face it.. I'm a messy guy. :) :) :)

I will definately be brainstorming in coming weeks/months, so stay tuned.

I also know that whatever stand I get, I'd like it so the tank is at eye level. , however as you know, the larger you go, the more expensive too. I'm now debating a half wall
What size tank are you wanting to upgrade to?

BTW, I believe its a Bonsai Frag (SPS) not Gonsai...But I could be wrong.
Either way, its gorgeous.


oh man.. I just looked up a purple bonsai on google and found GARF's ( - Awesome coral, but it has way darker polyps than my pale yellowy ones.. Sad to say but it doesn't matter any more :cry: :cry: :cry: . This must have been lost in the cave collapse b/c I can't find it anywhere. :cry: :cry: :cry: If I get a chance to rebuild it tomorrow hopefully it'll turn up. It was a nice one little guy.

OH P.S - The big green slimer in the middle is now split in two. My man Ben came over an we got a nice clean cut on it. I also picked up a pretty radical type of green tort supposedly originally from ORA. I'll get some pics up in the next couple days.