Bricky's new Elos......

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Dosing manually does become tiresome. That's one reason I don't run 2 part. The Profilux stand alone dosing system is going to be a future purchase to take care of my daily dosing.

The dosing of each product (MB7 and BioFuel) is system dependent. You may also find that you need less or sometimes more (like after vacuming sand or stirring up the sand).

Smaller tanks are alot more work to keep them at a point of equilibrium. That's another thing I like about the bigger tank. Things are just surprisingly easier and I spend more time enjoying the big tank than I did my smaller. Ofcourse there are more animals to look at too.
nizzce bricky. i see you got the 5 gallon buckets.
i too use the microbacter7 from brightwell. i use to vodka dose but it just made my refugium algae not grow. i since went away with vodka dosing and rely on my refugium for phosphate absorbtion. i run gfo occasionally. i gauge my tanks inhabitants and livestock to tell me when and not to dose.
i feel each tank is different and are managed to each its own. with that, what works for you might not work for others. dosing becomes habit, just like feeding. if people are looking into ulns, you might want to investigate it. especially in the success and failure from it.
The dosing of each product (MB7 and BioFuel) is system dependent. You may also find that you need less or sometimes more (like after vacuming sand or stirring up the sand).

So do you just use some sort of reactor to place the MB7 and Biofuel in or is it something you mix up to manually dose? I'm a little :confused:
MB7 and Biofuel are added individually directly to the tank. Microbacter is a beneficial bacteria suppliment and the BioFuel (vodka) is the carbon based nutrient the bacteria feed on. If you want to information on this google, ULNS, ZeoVit, Neo Zeo or Vodka dosing. I would post more information here but there are many variations, Brightwell has an 18 page PDF document on their suggested method for using their Neo Zeo system.

I have been reading a lot lately and have been considering bacteria\carbon dosing system similar to what Apollothesun sounds like he is doing.
MB7 and Biofuel are added individually directly to the tank. Microbacter is a beneficial bacteria suppliment and the BioFuel (vodka) is the carbon based nutrient the bacteria feed on. If you want to information on this google, ULNS, ZeoVit, Neo Zeo or Vodka dosing. I would post more information here but there are many variations, Brightwell has an 18 page PDF document on their suggested method for using their Neo Zeo system.

I have been reading a lot lately and have been considering bacteria\carbon dosing system similar to what Apollothesun sounds like he is doing.

OK so the Biofuel is vodka? I've been dosing vodka for years now and have had great success with it on my last 40b. I am now just starting to dose vodka on my 270g. The reason why I am asking Matt about it is because I know he has 1st hand experience with ULNS systems. I am very well aware of a google search;). I find it more informative to hear it from someone that is currently using the product in question. Thanks for the info though.
Yes, BioFuel is Brightwell's Vodka,vingar, sugar secret recipe. I figured you at least knew a little something about ZeoVit and vodka dosing. Just trying to help you and others see what methods these supplements are used for.
To keep things straight, I'm not using the BW products yet. Yes, I have used the Elos Purist Line which is a ULNS product and had success with it. I have been reading plenty of info on Brightwell, Prodibio, and Zeo. I feel like BW is going to do what I want and with greater ease than that of the others and at a better price point for my larger system.

Some like refugiums and some like me don't. Thus the decision to go back to a bacteria driven system. I'll still get plenty of pod production if anybody thinks that's one of the major benefits of running a refugium. I feel the bacteria driven systems are more efecient at removing nitrates and phosphate in systems. This was proven to me when I halted the use of the Elos line and tried a refugium.
Yes, BioFuel is Brightwell's Vodka,vingar, sugar secret recipe. I figured you at least knew a little something about ZeoVit and vodka dosing. Just trying to help you and others see what methods these supplements are used for.

I know about vodka dosing but have not really cared to research the Zeovit or any other brand of bactaria type product as the vodka had done wonders for my 40b. I would like to try something like this out but it just sounds too tedious for me to deal with. I mean I can deal with dosing one thing like vodka but multiple applications becomes a little tiresome. Like Matt said earlier in the thread he use to dose 2 part as did I and got real tired of the daily manual dosing at different times of the day. What are your plans for your tank Brad?
It all depends on the time of day, lately I have been back and forth and all over the place. I've considered vodka, bacteria + vodka, skipping vodka and just using some of the Zeo suppliments(aminos, potassium, koral kolor). I've seen lots of amazing ULNS\Bacteria\Zeo\whatever you want to call it systems. However like you and Matt the less I need to worry about daily the better, I don't have space for dosers. I would really like to try a simple bacteria system but am worried I won't keep up with it in the long run and I have read a few reports that once people stop vodka dosing they end up in worse shape than when they started.
It all depends on the time of day, lately I have been back and forth and all over the place. I've considered vodka, bacteria + vodka, skipping vodka and just using some of the Zeo suppliments(aminos, potassium, koral kolor). I've seen lots of amazing ULNS\Bacteria\Zeo\whatever you want to call it systems. However like you and Matt the less I need to worry about daily the better, I don't have space for dosers. I would really like to try a simple bacteria system but am worried I won't keep up with it in the long run and I have read a few reports that once people stop vodka dosing they end up in worse shape than when they started.

Yeah the daily dosing routine becomes old after a while and I know I have skipped a day or 2 from time to time. It isn't so much time consuming but the act of having to do it everyday was a little annoying to say the least. I am going to have to get a hold of some dosing pumps sometime down the road as more resources are available. So this way I don't have to do anything but check off my check list of what I need to look at. What a fun and exciting hobby we have here! Always a learning experience no matter how long you've been doing this!
Not the best, but it's something to watch.


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="">
The other side FTV:

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="">
Changed the equipment around and added a 60"x36"x20" sump.



Cryptic kicking butt:




The other side FTV:

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="">

very nice video Matt.....but no where near as nice as seeing in person. Amazing system my friend!!!!!!!
I got to see Matt's monster in person for the 1st time last weekend. It's a extremely well thought out system! The vids don't show the true beauty.