Bricky's new Elos......

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Hard to show the texture and feeling of how the rock is laid out, but here I go.

Before sand:


After sand - Top view:




That is one NICE set up! :):shock:Where is the drool emoticon when you need it??:confused:
Cryptic zone setup:

Here's how I'm setting up one of the cryptic zones. I figured the a-frame eggcrate and live rock rubble zip tied to it would allow for the most surface area for sponges and tunicates. I still want to order sponges from tyree to seed things though.




The other cryptic zone tank has got some live rock in it. Mostly a mixture of Tatoka and Marshall Island live rock.
The first fish:

Just a small red clown goby. I would of waited to put him in, but he kept going over the overflow in my coral quarantine tank. So, after about a week in this tank he's got his color back and is actually fairly easy to find.



I also added 450 astrea (sp?) to the main tank, 50 astrea to the frag tank, 100 cerith, 100 nerites, and 2 fighting conchs. The snails are actually cleaning up all the hair algae. It's been almost 2 weeks since I put them in and I don't really even need to clean the glass. The snails also started to lay batches of eggs everywhere too. I guess they figure they've got enough food for babies.
Is this thread being updated anywhere? It's one of my favorite things to look at on RF.
Entry side:


Living Room side:


Fish list:

Vanuatu Regal Angel - 1
Red Sea Sail Fin - 1
C.F. Striatus Tang - 1
Tuka (Purple Queen) Anthias - 3
Copper Band Butterfly - 1
Red Clown Goby - 1
Helfrichi Firefish - 1
Yasa Hasha (sp?) Goby - 2
Talbot's Damsel - 1
I also picked up a Lobophylia and when I put it in the tank it started to spawn. Seriously, there were eggs spewing out of one of the lobes, and it lasted for around 15 minutes.

Here's the video. Little blurry, sorry.

Try some Kole tangs and lawnmower blennies to help out with the green hair stuff .
Starting to look nice :D