Bring back the Old Sales Forums? Poll

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Bring back the old sales forums?

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... Also we had daily issues with members complaining and flaming the sales area, unfortunately the staff had to handle it so to you it may of not seemed to be a problem....

Just my opinion, but there's no reason to think this won't happen again if the classifieds become more popular. People are people.

I agree that the current classified format isn't very friendly to browse, so I agree with people who want the old one back - but I voted 'no' because I think having any classified section causes more problems than what its trying to solve.
+1 Would be much easier to do the whole ad. Also, IMO the present classifieds are broken. Please don't take this wrong, I do appreciate the effort and amount of work that is being done here.

Surprised you didn't get the 1st post here :lol:

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I voted for the change.
Anything to help this great site get back to what it has been in the past.
Was the classies the cause of the drop off??? IMO, No
Was it one of many reasons for the drop off???? Maybe

Change is needed!!
This is a great place to start.
I voted yes because I llike the ease of use of the old ads. I do think there should be a Mod assigned to it so we won't see retailers and such trying to post stuff.
I voted for the change.
Anything to help this great site get back to what it has been in the past.
Was the classies the cause of the drop off??? IMO, No
Was it one of many reasons for the drop off???? Maybe

Change is needed!!
This is a great place to start.

This thread is a great representation of how Slowed the use of RF has become. In a 24 hr period, a Thread like this, say even just a few years ago, would have had Atleast Double, if not triple the amount of responses.

It sure shouldn't be that hard to moderate the Old Style Classified section with such little activity the site sees these days.

This has been such a great place for me. This site was Life Changing. I can't count how many people I have met, How many functions I have attended, and how much Knowelege I have gained Because of Rf. Hopefully, with one step at a time, It can get back to the Greatness that it once was.
I definitely agree with the above post on all points. I do think as well that change will help RF get back to what it use to be!!!! And I am all for that!!!
Honestly, when the selling forums were taken away and the classifieds were installed. I was quite disappointed and my participation here at RF has dwindled because of it. Honestly since then I have only maybe checked the forums about once a month and I'm sure there are many others who feel the same way. I think it would be awesome if the sales forums were brought back, I'm a moderator on one of the major reefing websites that has been accused of being purely sales driven via sales forums, haha there is tons of sales activity. The only issue myself and the team of other mods have on that forum is finding stealth vendors who are trying to sell in the members sales forums on the sly, and protecting the sponsors investment in the forum.

I honestly would have missed this thread and poll if someone hadn't pm'd me and told me to come vote.
I like mfinns suggestion of no time limit. If you have a list of items and something is sold a couple days later, it would be nice to be able to edit the first post to reflect those items sold. poeple will read that first post and then either post or PM that they want something without reading on and seeing that it was already sold.
Yes, I looked at our user agreement and the existing rules and the 90 day thing will work, I just made that one change, see how it works. I'm doing some cleaning up etc. Hope to open them up shortly! I'm going to close this thread officially and update the announcements up top of the page!

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