C.C. to B.B. progress..

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Sounds like you got it working real good. Nice job. I told you that outlet down the back would work great...;) Now you just have to keep the skimmers clean, vacuum out anything that settles in the front and you'll have a very healthy tank. Congrats!!
so far everythig is well, their was just alittle stuff collected in the front, and everything keeps moving all around...i did use the loc-line nozzles , one on each side tubes l and r, and pointed them to the front two sides, very strong movement, i may need to use nothing on the tube to direct the flow, or use the spreader tip, btw i can thank all of you enough, i have learned alot....
Hey man...Looking good! You've got a lot of space around the front for cleaning which is great! Best of luck...
Looks great Bill. Look for peices of rock now that well sit in the bottom on just a few points so detritus well be blown through. Some of mine are kind of "L" shaped so they sit on the bottom but kinda turn in over the eggcrate if you know what I am trying to say. Now go slow and let things settle in and don't overfeed. It looks great!!!!!!!!!!
its at 8.0, john did you look at post #38 it showed my skimmers also what typs of food should i be using, i did use marine flake, witch might be what helped my old tank setups down fall...
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Your Ph Is fine, anything above 7.8 is ok and this time of year with the houses being closed up, 8.0 is very easy to be at. My Ph can drop from 8.2 or 3 down to 7.9's or 8.0's by not opening a window in the kitchen when my wife is doing alot of cooking on the gas range, and you can sit there and watch this happening on the Ph meter within an hr. or so. Keeping a window cracked by your tank area shoiuld help with ph swings or in the kitchen if using gas and your wife is baking. You don't need to add any chems to your system at all with just fish and soft corals. Even keeping most lps frequent water changes well supply any little bit they well use for maintaining growth. Doing on schedule water changes well be all you need to do, and for sure 8.0 ph is no reason to add stuff. Some people don't like flake. You can buy Hakari frozen mysis and brineshrimp which have been fortified with vitamins in the packs of little cubes. No more fish then you have take a cube out and cut it in two and thaw out in a small glass of Ro water or if you don't have RO use distilled. Do you have a RO/DI unit? It wouldn't hurt to have one. Feed just enough to let them get a little of it, if you don't need all that you thawed out, throw the little bit left out, as you add fish you can increase the amount fed. New Life Spectrum makes really good pelet foods, you well have to find the .35 mm size for small fish. You can buy this from Marine Depot if you can't find the small sizes locally. I feed it to my fish and have a school of anthias which are small. The pellet food doesn't break apart in the water like flake does, just let enough go so as the fish get them all before hitting the bottom. You want to turn off your upper outlets why you feed so the food doesn't get blown into the rocks before the fish can eat it.
Great to hear. One thing I thought of Bill was with no sump how for you to siphon your tank. What I do with a sump is take one of those plastic squeeze clams and clamp a 100 micron felt sock in my sump and then take a 1/2" lear vinyl hose and siphon the detritus into the sock and that way you don't lose non of the water. I just unclamp the sock and rinse out for the next use. I vac the front corner of my tank every day since that is where mine settles and also clean the skimmer daily, even if not full because skimmate on the riser tube greatly reduces the skimming ability. I do 3% water change twice a week which adds up to about 24% a month. If you can vac twice a week you could just run your hose intothe bucket and siphon out the detritus. If you need to vac more often, get yourself a felt sock and clamp it in a 5 gal. bucket and run your hose into the sock and then remove it and pour your water back in the tank. Using the sock this way you really never have to wash it since it isn't left in the tank, just rinse after use. If you ever do need to wash it just toss in the washer , small load,gentle cycle, NO DETERGENT and run through a short cycle twice just incase there was a little deterent trace left from your wifes wash.
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well i added everything slowly,fish then shrimp then snails and crabs, over a few days...with what i all ready have, what would everyone sujest as far as coarls go....and how many, iam looking for things that are bright and good color, i know nothing about the different coarls,
I would suggest just moving slow for now and not adding anything for a while. While you are waiting for the month or two of time to pass study up on different biotopes (lagoons, reef crests, etc.). decide what you want your tank to look like/emulate. When you decide on this, narrow the list of corals from that biotope to a few species. If you do this you limit the possibilities of chemical warefare and improve your odds of success.
Bill the last thing you need to do is start adding stuff. Do like Reed says and let things settle in for a month or two and use that timew to read,read,read. We have an excellent library here and you canget books to read. You well probably want to start out with a few mushrooms, they are pretty bullet proof and easy to take care of. But go slow for now and make sure the new setup is going to stabalize. Now that you are BB, there well still be times of things not being right, that is what makes this hobby a never ending learning experience. Go slow, BB doesn;t mean there won;t be issues to deal with down the road. That is exactly where you want the heavier detritus to end up. You well need to get a turkey baster and use it to blow off you LR atleast once a week. Great going.