Carlos 60 gallon new tank

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Nitrate 100 isn't normal, you need to get this number down, way down!
other than that your good, Is the cloudy water crisp whitish on the ammonia test?

ummm yeah, "cloudy water crisp whitish" is a good way to describe it.

I know nitrates need to go to 0 too, I though they would go down by themselves once the cycle is completed. :(
The nitrates will drop Carlos as the necessary de-nitrifying bacteria starts to populate the live rock which takes a bit of time. However, once you begin doing your water changes, then nitrates should drop off with each one. The reason you have high readings now is because you haven't done any significant water changes yet to dilute things (if I remember correctly) and also, your tank is still cycling so all of the necessary bacteria needed to maintain your system are not fully there yet. Just give it a bit of time...You'll get there:)
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Carlos, how many water changes have you done so far, also how much water did you replace each time?

If your reading a crisp whitish color I think your spot on, what will happen soon will be a sudden drop, like almost instantly but you need to do a water change, siphon, blow off the rocks with a turkey baster really well, then replace about 25% water. It is time to start putting creatures in your tank but first you need to wax the levels! It will happen soon man! One last thing are you using saliflert test kits for all test?
If your reading a crisp whitish color I think your spot on, what will happen soon will be a sudden drop, like almost instantly but you need to do a water change, siphon, blow off the rocks with a turkey baster really well, then replace about 25% water. It is time to start putting creatures in your tank but first you need to wax the levels! It will happen soon man!

What will drop suddently and when should I do this water change?

One last thing are you using saliflert test kits for all test?

Yes Scooty, I'm using saliflert test kits for all tests.

It's cool to "hear/read" I'm almost there! I need to decide what to get for my cleaning crew soon!
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Oh yea, you need to replace a large chunk of water. I find If your using IO normally I would add a little turbo CA & liquid MG to bump it up slightly but without corals, I would just do a large volume water change, wait 24 hours then retest. These days we gets lots of rocks with lots of life on them already, some cycles go quicker than others, this is ok. I cycled my tank over two months just to be sure, some people used well established rocks & almost instantly they can get away with adding life to it but I would leave that to the well established & experienced.
nitrates will drop suddenly, also when you do the water change, do it as soon as you can, blow it throughly. Start making water:D
Also on the crew hermits & turbo snails will be helpful, I don't normally go crazy on them. I have a bout 5 hermits now but nothing else. I will probably put 10 of each imaybe more snails in my 125 & call it good.
First water change done!

Today I replaced a little bit over 25% of the water in the tank, I will wait until Tuesday to test it again. Hopefully this will help with the high nitrates.

Thanks again for your help guys!
New parameters...

Ammonia <0.25
Nitrite <0.1
Nitrate 70
pH 8.0
Salinity 1025
PPT 34
Temp 79.2 F

Should I do another water change?

A new algae is taking over the tank!

Congrats on the new hair algae, do another change as big after about a week, being your not feeding your tank any food with phosphates I'd say it still is cycling some but the lower Nitrates is a good thing, soon Carlos Soon!
After remaking my drain pipe and adding the valve mod to my skimmer, I'm still having problems with micro bubbles!!! this is driving me nuts!!!

I guess I will wait a few months to get a new custom sump... awww!!!
Carlos - I just want to say big kudos to you for taking your time and doing it right! Lookin good sofar.
I think the bubbles are coming from the skimmer and also from the drain since there's a lot of water movement in that section of the sump.

Steven11, thanks a lot for your compliment, it's been really hard to be patient with this project but just like you said it, so far so good.
If you switched the baffles like I said that would eliminate the bubbles from getting to the main tank, or add one more in the right location. I wouldn't spend much on custom sump unless you really have problems or just want to upgrade what you have, not because of the bubbles, JMO!

I really don't get what is wrong with my tank. I tested my nitrates Today after the first water change and instead of going down they went up to almost 100 again!

I did a second water change Today of about 30% so we'll see how it goes this time.

This cycle is not what I was expecting it to be at all, oh well... :cry:
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Carlos how are the other test results, could be bad regents, if you can get your water tested by another LFS or reefer to see if your getting close to the same results. One other thing, is what salts are you using, test a sample of your new batch of saltwater, see what you get then. These rocks for some reason may of had lots of die-off or your tested kits isn't good, can happen, all your other test were perfect last two times you posted them do lets hope it is something simple like that.
My LFS tested my water last week and the results were pretty much the same I was getting. I didn't know fresh water with salt could have nitrates so I guess I will test it the next time I mix it to do a water change. By the way, I use reef crystals.

I think the problem is the die-off in the live rock since the it keeps shedding like crazy. Today before I did the water change, I used a powerhead to blow the rocks and it looked like if I had just pulled that rock out of the ocean and put it in my tank (I did clean the rock twice when I got it before putting it in the tank.)

Tomorrow I will test the other parameters and will post them to see what you guys think.