Very true Don and a very good point. The thing about importing fish is, the reason why it is illegal here is partly for the same thing you are talking about. Another is, you may bring in a species like say clowns, which is not common in our waters and I guess it is for a reason. You may introduce a species into our waters that may deplete something else. Just like how piranhas are banned from some places. If you get an idiot who decides he doesn't want it anymore and throws it into a lake that people swim in, it can cause a major problem. Just like a problem Ken told me about with people putting caymans in the water up where he is. Knock on wood though, I've never had to return anything back into the wild after mixing them with imported fish. It is usually passed around among a few friends when we decide we don't want it anymore. Another thing is I don't keep very many fish at a time anyway. If I know I will import fish I can't get, I usually only keep about 1 wild one like the french angel I have or maybe a queen angel like I've had before. My fish tend to be very healthy and can't say I have ever seen anything like ich in my tank before much less lost a fish fro a sickness. Very good thought Don and thanks for pointing it out...Those post counts are really getting up there(LOL)