Caught my first fish for my tank today!!!

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LOL!!! ohh yeah i'm sure he's gonna turn into a flying fish Krish.... ohh boy talk about survival of the species . :lol:

lol Clay
krish75 said:
Barry, here is everything about my backwall in a thread Don started up. It is not from Home Depot...It's from Walmart(LOL JK). It is made for aquariums, just not sure for salt(LOL) I'll have to see what happens. You ever seen that snail before I took a picture of? I hear they clean pretty good or my friend at the LFS is setting me up!

The "backwall", what is it, where did it come from? Please don't tease me for more than a week, that is my tolerance "level". After that, I start "tilting"! :lol: Snail, what snail? "We" don't don't need "no stinking snails", ( just me! ) :)
The "backwall", what is it, where did it come from? Please don't tease me for more than a week, that is my tolerance "level". After that, I start "tilting"! Snail, what snail? "We" don't don't need "no stinking snails", ( just me! )

Well, in that case I still have a few more days to tease!(LOL) The backwall was brought in by one of LFS here in the Bahamas. It's one of those, what theycall natural backgrounds you can buy for aquariums. Top layer is some kind of rock or rock mold, and the back seems to be part cement and part fiberglass mat. It's very heavy and it is made up of 3 pieces that interlock. I had it for a month in my freshwater setup with my discus, but it kept raising my ph to 8, so I took out the discus and said I'd try it with salt seeing I was on the way to changing back anyway. I figured if it didn't hold up, I could jst remove it and add LR. I guess I'll have to see.
Oh, just a little update on my fish situation...Apparently the company that supplies fish to my friends LFS, only ships out on Fridays! Well, tomorrow is a holiday here (Columbus Day) so guess what? No fish! I am going out to get me something else this weekend to keep my fish's company. I think it looks kinda odd me playing with the fish all the time and soon, if I don't be careful, he will start to think he is human and want to sit on the couch with me and watch TV with me!(LOL). I will post some pics if I get to go out this weekend and if I catch anything. I may just get me 1 or 2 little wrasses because they are very active and seem to love to jump right in your net(LOL). I still want my juvenile queen angel so hopefully I can find one and I don't have any problems with him in the tank with my French. BTW, I am also planning on going to Atlantis this weekend to take some pictures for you guys to see. You will be amazed! It will probably be closer to the end of the weekend when I go so look out for the thread!
krish75 said:
The backwall was brought in by one of LFS here in the Bahamas. It's one of those, what theycall natural backgrounds you can buy for aquariums. Top layer is some kind of rock or rock mold, and the back seems to be part cement and part fiberglass mat. It's very heavy and it is made up of 3 pieces that interlock. I had it for a month in my freshwater setup with my discus, but it kept raising my ph to 8, so I took out the discus and said I'd try it with salt seeing I was on the way to changing back anyway. I figured if it didn't hold up, I could jst remove it and add LR. I guess I'll have to see.

You might just want to "avoid the disaster" and send it to me. We could just trade the shipping charges for that fish I'm supposed to win! :p

And BTW, just when is this fish going to be awarded, I don't be away on vacation at the "triumphant moment"! :lol: > Wave98 :)
You might just want to "avoid the disaster" and send it to me. We could just trade the shipping charges for that fish I'm supposed to win!
And BTW, just when is this fish going to be awarded, I don't be away on vacation at the "triumphant moment"! > Wave98

LOL...Mostly everyone seems to like that backwall, and to think, I was going to take it out!(LOL) You need to go back and re-read the thread Barry...I said that whoever posts here can pick out a fish for me to catch for them and I'll catch it and put it in my tank...That's my tank, not anyone elses! LOL...Just like an informercial...Always some catch!(LOL) I'm not that bad though...Just clowning around as usual. I'll catch whatever anyone wants for them. If only there was an easy and safe way for me to transport fish over there. I'd have a serious tan (much worse than I have now) from being out all day trying to stock everyones tank for them! And the sad thing is, I wouldn't take any money for it from anyone either. I guess that just sucks hey...Someone willing to send free fish, but no guarentee way of getting the fish there alive and doing it where shipping will be resonably priced. Ah well...
You know krish, if you could just get those snails out of my wife's bra, we could still just try the Lear jet. I just don't want to bring my own net, and I'm sure you have the semi-permeable bags, and oxygen tanks for pressurizing right? > barryhc :p
Yeah man Scooter! You'll get a vacation and can pick out the ones you want yourself! I'm serious though...Any of you guys decide to come down to the Bahamas, pm me and let me know so I can arrange to take you guys out to get some cool stuff. If it is during the cold season here (like 75 degrees LOL) I'll get a wet suit just to go(LOL). I'm thinking on getting one anyway because that would be 6 months more or so I could be out in the water!
You know krish, if you could just get those snails out of my wife's bra, we could still just try the Lear jet. I just don't want to bring my own net, and I'm sure you have the semi-permeable bags, and oxygen tanks for pressurizing right? > barryhc

:shock: :exclaim: You want me to go in your wife's bra!!! What in the world...LOL. We can get you sorted out my friend. My buddies own the LFS and everything I don't have, we can get from there. I posted this somewhere here before, but my uncle took back a few grunts and damsel fish from here all the way up to Washington State to a Town called Colville which is about 2 hrs from Canada on a commercial plane and they all survived the trip! He had a battery powered air pump he hooked up while on the plane and tied the bags when switching planes. It was un-believeable, but then again damsel fish and grunts are like potcakes (that's what we call mutts or mixed breed dogs like a combination of about 20 different dogs in one LOL) and they can survive pretty much anything. More sensitive fish...I'm not too sure. I guess you'd have to maybe throw in some cracked conch, peas n rice, and potato salad and they'll probably make it...Nothing like good bahamian food! Even the fish like it. You put a piece of steamed chicken on your line and you are likely to catch anything! :D
ok what in the world is going on in here :D, so i see Krish you are gonna be the snail in the bra picker eh woouu i didn't know that was one of your hobbies, i guess it must be nice for women to put some snails in there and just let them eat or clean whatever eh :lol: :lol: .. just joking doods
krish75 said:
I think it looks kinda odd me playing with the fish all the time and soon, if I don't be careful, he will start to think he is human and want to sit on the couch with me and watch TV with me
No problem. Just teach him who the boss is, and make him get up to get the beer.
lol yeah just like Homer (the Simpsons) in that episode with the mokey, i don't know if you saw it but homer buys this monkey and teaches him to steal doughnuts and stuff for him :lol: :lol:
No problem. Just teach him who the boss is, and make him get up to get the beer.

LOL...I don't drink alcohol, but a soda or juice sounds good! Maybe if he learns quick enough and does a great job at it, I may just kick my wife out and let him take care of me...I mean, all he needs is just a few pinches of flakes and he wouldn't bicker, but would be thrilled for me to get a bigger tank! :D If he is a slow learner, then I guess I'll just have to eat him :shock:
Hey Krish

Where are you at. My wife and I will be in Nassau for a day in December. Do you dive. Have any recommendations. Those are incredible fish you have come across. Bahamas is a place my wife and I are considering moving too. Would love to meet up or chat sometime about living there. I here weather can be pretty rough in your "stormy" season. Keep the pics of the fish coming. I know what you mean about grabbing things in 3 feet of water. It is amazing what you come across in the shallows.


Hey Krish

Where are you at. My wife and I will be in Nassau for a day in December. Do you dive. Have any recommendations. Those are incredible fish you have come across. Bahamas is a place my wife and I are considering moving too. Would love to meet up or chat sometime about living there. I here weather can be pretty rough in your "stormy" season. Keep the pics of the fish coming. I know what you mean about grabbing things in 3 feet of water. It is amazing what you come across in the shallows.

Hey Aaron! I think that will be cool if you moved here. A lot of Americans are doing it more and more each year (mostly to save money on their taxes LOL). I live in the capital Nassau, Ne Providence, but lived in Freeport, Grand Bahama most of my life. About the weather, it is true. We are in the right location for hurricanes, but luckily so far, we haven't had any this year. I'm not sure to what you are use to, but for some the transition is easy and others, then can't ever seem to be able to adjust. On a good note though, I've heard the majority of people say that they'd rather stay here than move back for whatever reasons. I like it and I'm sure you will too.

As for diving, I love it, but nothing with scuba gear. Never tried it and I don't really have the desire to. I rather only go down as far as my breath and ears can take me and no more. The water is clear enough for me to not have to go down that deep to see what is swimming around. Pm me when you decide to make your way down here so I can meet up with you. I've never been in the water between November and March, but I think I'm going to invest in a wet suit so I should be good to go if you come down then.