I wouldnt give the angel that much credit just yet. It may just be the fact that he's the only fish and there is no need to compete for food. I assume your feeding him while in the qt.
Yes, I've been feeding him. Think I should cut back and see if he starts bothering the clam? It should be noted that this isn't a standard, barren QT. It's got live rock and as a result, a small population of mysis and amphipods. The flame angel is likely getting a good amount of food just from that.
Still curious as to what evidence you have that Fire Shrimp are predatory
After a week or so in QT together, the flame angel started pecking at the exhale siphon of the derasa, so I had to separate them and now I'm selling the flame angel. I tried putting the derasa back in the display but there the coral beauty started bothering it. .
Sorry to hear of the loss. Have seen this recently too often and more than ever before for the "authorities" to shrug it all off as bad clam-keeping looking for an excuseit died few days later.
Within 2-3 days our 2.5 " maxima that we've had about 3 months died with no signs that it wasn't happy, except that it suddenly fell over on its side in the sand bed one day and I set it back up, it was still reacting to light and being moved, but the next day it was dead when I got home. (I'd tried putting it on a rock several time, but it seemed to prefer the sand and was happy there for 2+ months). Our brown maxima, that was securely anchored to a rock, followed a couple days later, but we got it out of the tank as soon as it retracted into it's shell and we could tell it wouldn't make it.
Now the crocea we have on the sand bed is spawning,