closed loop

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2004
I just replumbed my return pump thru the chiller which eliminates the mag 9.5 that I had in the sump 100 watts less heat in the water chiller dosen't run as often I am now thinking of replaceing the four maxijet 1200's that I have in the tank with the mag pump setting on top of the tank with four 1/2" lock lines the question now is primeing the mag in a power failure, would running a 1/4" tube from main return to inlet of mag be enough to prime it
I'm not sure but I'd guess you would need more water volume, I've seem some nice closed loops with the pump lower, can you maybe rethink location?
I used a 'T' fitting on my closed loop. I put a screw in plug in one of the outlets and the cloesd loop through the other 2. I can open the plug and prime the pump there. My pump is below my tank, so I don't have to worry about power failures like you. I would think once you get it started, if the system is sealed (no leaks) you wouldn't lose syphen and wouldn't need to worry about priming except on initial setup and after maintenance.

It would be impossible to drill back of my tank without breaking it down and all of this plumbing and pump would be above water level which would allow drain out in power loss thats why I need a form of forced prime just how much water flow would it take to do it?
It would take alot of water to get it going if at all. If possible you could go up and over. Use the "t" like Reed said. You should only have to prime it the first time. It will restart when the power goes back on.

I'll try to figure out if I have enough room behind the tank for the up and over thanks for the addvice