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I just heard from President of Midcolumbia Saltwater. Reed the quote I gave you on pm was more than what I just heard from President. I beleive that was family price.

There will be a family price ticket and single ticket price. Again, I do not want to put prices out there until it is confirmed. I was promised a email with prices. When I recieve it I will share.
Message from President of Midcolumbia Saltwater.

Hi Jim here , I am glad to hear people talking about the Conference. The biggest question is cost
We raised the price from 2007 15 bucks. So price per family is $70. and $60.00 per individual ticket. Members of mcsac 60.00 per family, 50.00 individual. Members of MCSAC already paid part to join club. Ticket price includes two meals, tank tour and speakers. We are going to be pre-saleing conference T- shirts. I don't have price as of yet of T- shirts. I hope all can come and we'll have a good time
:) Jimbo
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a picture from Saturday MCMAC 2007

I agree it's a great value! Yes tickets will be available for purchase at Aquatic Dreams.


This was Saturday night at MCMAC 2007. People had watched Presentations from Mike Palleta and Sanjay Joshi, done Tank Tour, and then the more food with coral and clam auction and of course raffle. Everytime this table won something from raffle they would twirl their napkins over their head in competition with another table. It was a riot. :)
Now there are three Guest Speakers...

Three Guest speakers for MCMAC 2009 now. Jake Adams will also be at MCMAC July 17th and 18th 2009 in Tri-Cities.:)
Wow, now we have 4 speakers confirmed for MCMAC 2009!!

Three Guest speakers for MCMAC 2009 now. Jake Adams will also be at MCMAC July 17th and 18th 2009 in Tri-Cities.:)

Matt Pederson has confirmed also. Matt Pederson from MOFIB.
Breeding fish and invertebrates I believe is topic. Do not quote me. I would assume so especially if he is MOFIB.:)
Hey Ed,
I can still see the MCSAC Conference banner clearly on my computer. Try checking it from another computer.

Some fun photos from the 2007 MCSAC Conference.

During the Friday night BBQ, Kevin Pockell gave a presentation on Fraggle Rock.


On Sat, Sanjay Joshi gave a presentation on Predators of the Ocean.


Kennewick's most dangerous man.


The front table celebrating another raffle ticket winner.


And Finally, Ed showing off at the local water park.

I can too for some reason. You are up to your stuff again, lol. I am glad you are there Todd. I look forward to seeing ya.
A little change of plans. Matt Pederson will be at the Conference this year. Matt will not be promoting MOFIB. Matt was the Co-Founder of MOFIB. He will be teaching methods of breeding. He just will not use the MOFIB label. He will not be promoting MOFIB. Please welcome Matt Pederson and Family to Washington State on July 17th and 18th.:):):)
Marc has offered and given MCMAC a space in May Reefkeeping Mag. Again, thank you Steven and Marc for supporting MCMAC 2009.