
Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

Help Support Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum:

Vertex Sponsored this Event!!!
You will see a nice skimmer from Vertex and Some Zeovite products also from Vertex.
Thank you very Much Vertex for helping make this a fun Event!
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Hydor Sponsored this Event!!!
You will see some nice products from Hydor at this event!
Thank you Hydor for making this a fun Event!!
Roger says He will Help!!!

Tunze sponsored this Event Again!!!

Thank you Roger for your support!:)
Get your tickets Now!!!

I got Friday off. woohoo. Let me know what l can do to help when l get there on Friday, Mikey

I am back from Illinois. I am off all week. Come on down when you are ready.:D

Monday, with a few more days till the big event. Stace will post schedule in a few minutes for everyone to see!:D
Aquatic Dreams will be donating more than $1,500 in raffle and door prizes! Most will be worth $50-$100ea!

Hope to see you there,
This was an awesome event and I had a great time! It was great to meet everyone, and I hope see some of you again soon :)
Thank you All for building another unforgetable memory!
I thank God but never enough for putting such awesome people on this Earth!
Thank you for making this another Success! It could not have been that without YOU!

Your Friend
Ed Hahn
I had a great time! Thank you to all the people who worked so hard to make this another fine event!!!

Best regards,

Thank you for your Part of building a place where all Clubs and Hobbyist can Learn as One. You have been there from the start and never stopped.

Thanks MCSAC, Kevin, Barbie and all the sponsors, and all the speakers for a fine event.
Great job!
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