
Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Did the coral farmers market wind up coinciding with this date? And what is it? Anything with coral and market in the name sound awesome to me!! We are planning on attending; my parents have a vacay house near vantage where we'll stay, so we are really excited for this!!
Did the coral farmers market wind up coinciding with this date? And what is it? Anything with coral and market in the name sound awesome to me!! We are planning on attending; my parents have a vacay house near vantage where we'll stay, so we are really excited for this!!

From what I heard from Portland Crew, the Coral Farmers Market will not be in Portland this year. Wet Thumb Frags will be at Conference. There will also be corals at Conference.
Dang it, I am a little pumped. Time is getting close. Tickets are available. Food should be great, guest speakers should be awesome, Place will be clean, classy. If you have not gotton your rooms or contacted a friend to stay with in Tri-cities, I recommend you do so fast. The rooms go quick because of another function that takes place around the same time locally. Get the rooms while you can. We want everyone to make this event as relaxing and enjoyable as possible.
Got my room last nite @ the Red Lion!!!! Can I buy the ticket for the conference when I get there?
Could you also PM me Rick's address for Friday night?

Sure. :) IT will be crazy right before conference. Stace and I should be home all that week. :)
Hey, I just wrote a check, and put it in an envelope, I will pick my ticket up when I get there. The check should get mailed tomorrow. I hope I can make it over to Rick's on Friday. I don't know if I am gonna have to leave after work, or maybe I can grab 1/2 day and take off at noon!!!
Either way, I will still need his address, you gotta remember I am directionally challenged at times.
Hydor is happy to Sponsor MCMAC!!!. Thank you Mike for making this event so much fun for everyone!
Here is feed back from President last Friday. Sorry for late reply. There was a Garage Sale Saturday for bringing in more money for conference. We spent two days for Conference down here.

The word is official. WE have not heard back from a Distributor that wanted to sell frags and donate to club. So this means that any Hobbyist that wants to bring and sell Frags at Confererence can as long as they donate a decent frag to Conference for raffle. Repeat****** Bring them frags to trade or sell and donate a decent one and make a killing!!

If you would like you can Paypal me @ [email protected] for MCMAC tickets. Ticket prices are on the flyers. Please state your address or if you would like to Will Call at the door. Thank you very much!!! Ed Hahn
Hey Ed, let me know if l can help at all. I can drive out the weekend before and help where lm needed. I dont mind at all really. I have Sundays off again, so lm stoked to come out and win everything, eeewww hahaha (evil laugh) I do have my solana project that needs almost everything,lol including a tank.
I just got off phone with Paul. I am looking forward to both of you coming. Paul is bringing his frags to swap and trade. I am very much looking forward to you guys coming again. I am off work the whole week for MCMAC Prep. I very much looking forward to the Party!!!. Mikey let me know what would I can do to make trip easy for ya! You got my number!

Your Friend,
I just got off phone with Paul. I am looking forward to both of you coming. Paul is bringing his frags to swap and trade. I am very much looking forward to you guys coming again. I am off work the whole week for MCMAC Prep. I very much looking forward to the Party!!!. Mikey let me know what would I can do to make trip easy for ya! You got my number!

Your Friend,

Actually l dont have your number. Was in my old cell and that one died. lol
Wooo Hooo!!!!

Coral order getting lined up with clams- scheduled and organized, just needs to be sent!
Motel Booked- with catering - done
T-shirts- Ordered
People recently offering from out of town to help- He he Awesome!!!
Must work on more sponsors Batman- Gotcha! I am on it!
All speakers Confirmed! Tickets paid for, Rooms organized. -Done!

He he Folks, its gonna be a good time!!!
get your tickets by pay pal with my email @ [email protected]
Its less than one Month now!!
Way to go Ed. I cant wait to head out that way. Let me know what l can do to help out.

I heard That Aquatic Dreams was Sponsoring this event and providing help with a Small Reef Tank. I will have to find out what type it is. He he.
Your signature made me think of this. :) I am looking forward to it my Friend. :)
Sounds good, the solana l had lined up fell thru. Im at Randy's housesitting, he had a family emergency. I will be here till the 29th. Cleaning up his main tank now, it needs a bit of TLC. Will look awesome when he gets back.