coral reff newb/am i getting ripped off

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To the credit of the person designing the setup, he is doing just that. The buyer is having a tank setup and delivered, etc, he's not piece mealing it together on a budget like most of us do. I'm sure if we called a LFS and said hey come make me a new setup for my new tank that is the retail price we'd expect to pay. Of course we all now how to shop around for good deals, but that's not what it's about. LFS full retail is not what experienced reefers pay. The poster is new so that's a big challenge to be a brand new reefer and know what equipment to buy. How many peices did we all buy before we knew better? I guess what I'm saying is I'm with dragoneggs. :)
Welcome to reeffrontiers!! I just thought I would mention that this is a truly great hobby to get into, it will become more of a life style than a hobby so be prepared to spend lots of time thinking, reading, asking questions, more reading, and asking questions. It is ok to start out slow and build up to a big tank if you want to make sure you like it, rather than go for it all at once. Make sure you do your homework though so you don't have to say "I wish I knew that before......"

You make a good point Colleen, but a mechanic doesn't charge you $300 for an installed alternator. He charges $100 for the alternator and $200 for the labor.

I have noticed a solid 75-100% markup (at LFS) from online retailers prices, but that markup percentage dissolves as the price goes up. For example, a MJ1200 power head is $33 instead of $19. It isn't fair to make that same percentage on a $800 light fixture.
Even a LFS can do a discount when you buy that much stuff, not charge more. Does anyone know what the suggested retail price from the manufacturer of that light is?
Well my guess was $800 because it is nearly identical to mine and I paid $600 for that 3.5 years ago. Someone said the saw it for $796. Places near me sell standard glass 90 gals all set up with mature LR & sand and about a dozen corals with all the standard equip no chillers or calcium reactors for $6000 delivered and installed just as a point of reference. Yeah if you don't haggle and just want all new stuff and pay what they are asking then they are going to try to PIITB.
in this hobby u need to know what things are worth getting ripped off is a bad feeling and i hate it when i got from one fish shop to another and there prices and compleltly differnt shop around and dont have buyers remorse i would hate for u to be asking this question after u already had bought the system
happy reefing
well here, for the hell of it ill give the prices he quoted.

(1)Custom acrylic 200 gallon 67"x20"x34" with 3 sided overflows/drychamber centered on black back,two sides are black,1" thick body,3/4" thick top and bottom. 3900.00

I would not pay more then 1000.00 for that size tank and can even get them cheaper in the Paper or here in the sales forum.

(1)R30 refugium/reservoir 460.00
Make your own save a bundle. Can use a 55 G tank for it no problem

(1)Bullet 2 protein skimmer with gen x pex-40 pump and collection cup 960.00
There are other alternatives then that skimmer, But it still is way over priced, Bullet 2 Marine High Efficiency quotes for about 400.00 and the Mak IV Gen-X PCX-40 retials for about 120.00, its a ripoff.

(1)Gen x pex 70 pump 324.00

reatails for 119.00

(1)aqua light pro 48" fixture with 2-250watt metal halide 10,000k,2-96 watt pc actinic and 3-led moon lights. 1938.00

That unit with Same config but with 13k bulbs instead retails for 1100.00

(1)1/3 HP quiet chiller 990.00
Tradwinds chiller is 700.00 Delta star is 850.00 Cheaper options

(1)MPRO 25 RO/DI unit with ASO valve and plastic float valve with drinking water kit 475.00
The best RODI on the market runs about 265.00 with the same config, No way would i pay that.

(1)octopus 400 computer monitoring and controlling system,custom kit includes labratory grade tempurature,ph,orp probes,(3)x-10 controls for heater,lights and pump,(1) usr modem and pager control & remote access,(1) 9 volt battery back up & power fail indicator. 1405.99

The same unit minus the X-10 is 669.00, X-10 run 29.00 max you figure it out.

(280)LB premium live figi rock 1397.20 4.99(lb)
Probably the only thing he may say you were not ripped on. its still high but in the ball park

(10) live reef sand-20lb bag 350.00 35.00(lb)

No way would I pay 35.00lb thats nuts. Cheaper options out there for sure.

(200)Gallons premium RO mixed saltwater 200.00 1.00(lb)
With A RO unit why pay for water? Mix it yourself save big bucks

(1) dual power center/timer 58.00
With a controller why get that ?

(1)SCWD wavemaking device 69.99
SWCD is 30 bucks new. Way to high

misc plumbing supplies/delivery installation 800.00
Shop at Home Depot. You will save on allot of stuff there.

tax 1000.00

= expensive tank!
I agree and total rippoff. Look around get better prices then that. JMHO and fact.
Being new to the hobby...about 3 months reefing is my $0.02 worth. We bought a 150AGA with dual megaflows and standpipes installed with a stand which was home made but good quality for $500.00 which we considered a pretty good deal. Our skimmer is an AquaC Urchin Pro with a mag3 pump I believe...I think it was $169. The mag18 return pump was either $75 or $115 can't remember. The light is CurrentUSA Outer Orbit...2 - 150W MH 10K, 2 - 130W dual actinics, 6 - L.E.D. moonlights, dual fans, timers, and ceiling mounts...was $699. We got primo Fiji rock for $5.99/lb. So far I think our total investment including livestock is probably about $2300 to $2500. We had prior aquarium expericence but were (and still are) completely greenhorns to the reefkeeping world. I shutter to think about the kind of set-up I could put together with the amount of money the posters LFS is asking for.

I would definetly pass on his offer...decide what you are (and are not) capable of and willing to do yourself...then go from there.

A larger tank is easier to keep stable...and more tolerant of inexperience...but still a huge investment that you are at best going to get 50% back on if you decide to sell it b/c you underestimated the time and money involved in getting up and going.

Best of Luck from a fellow hooked newbie
(1)Custom acrylic 200 gallon 67"x20"x34" with 3 sided overflows/drychamber centered on black back,two sides are black,1" thick body,3/4" thick top and bottom.

to deep, will be hard to maintain as well as geting light to the bottem, (leaveing you only have of that useful)

(1)R30 refugium/reservoir
"you can build a sump for way less then this will cost you"

(1)Bullet 2 protein skimmer with gen x pex-40 pump and collection cup
you could buy your own aqua c skimmer, save money, and get better skimmage. = for less

(1)Gen x pex 70 pump
toss up, (depends on price)

(1)aqua light pro 48" fixture with 2-250watt metal halide 10,000k,2-96 watt pc actinic and 3-led moon lights. (would be good for a tank that was maybe 24, or ever 26 but 30, your looking for 400 watts

(1)1/3 HP quiet chiller
you might not even need this.... you should set up and call the ball then.

(1)MPRO 25 RO/DI unit with ASO valve and plastic float valve with drinking water kit

if you look in the forums you will find meny people who get Rodi setups from people and dont like them. or end up wishing you got something else... do your self a favor and look at

(1)octopus 400 computer monitoring and controlling system,custom kit includes labratory grade tempurature,ph,orp probes,(3)x-10 controls for heater,lights and pump,(1) usr modem and pager control & remote access,(1) 9 volt battery back up & power fail indicator.

unless you have a super stocked tank you really dont need all these cool tools, you should get your self familiar with runing a tank b4 you start trying to get calls from your tank. your gonna end up smokeing your self probly..

also the batter back up, you should toss. with all the money you will save on not geting all these junk you can buy your self a nice honda genarator. and be safe for sure.

(280)LB premium live figi rock
way way way to much money,
i got a quote on 210 lbs for 550 and i pay shiping.

(10) live reef sand-20lb bag
not enought sand, ether no sand of another 50lbs

(200)Gallons premium RO mixed saltwater
get your self a refracotmeter and a bucket of tropic marine Pro reef sea salt. also some other buckets for mixing.

(1) dual power center/timer
probly better off geting serveral single timers

(1)SCWD wavemaking device
dont need.