I have a 110g display. approx 140g total syst volume. 2 400w 10k's, 2 96w compact atinics. 2 800gph seio's (tidal), 2 other power heads for wave motion, 2 300w heaters, 3/4 horse chiller. The system has a external return pump, syst. turnover is approx 800 to 1000gph. I have an mtx hsa - 250 skimmer. Incadesent moon lights. I have a 5 stage 100gpd ro/di that feeds a cistern and directly tops off the tank. Everything is computer controlled by a aquacontroller junior. The tank is in our dinning room. Everything else is in the basement. It is the system of my dreams. I have worked up to this over the years. Unfortunatly for all my time and effort the system has yet to show me that critical point at which everything starts taking off. I don't have a lot to show for my efforts. The system has been up for about 3/4 of a year and I have had several algae blooms. Some death and non acclimation. I admit that I have been tinkering and fine tuning the system., including spectrum change, filtration. . . everything. My latest effort this weekend will be to breakdown the tank ie remove all the rock and clean it. I will be returning some of the fish in my tank, to cut down on feeding. I have 3 types of macro in the sump. I am sorry but the only one I can ID is the caulpera. My goal is a colorful mixed coral tank. Please tell me what you think. My non reef keeping freinds think I need an intervention.