eels in the garden flashlights in the tank

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dj tryrd

dj tryrd
Feb 20, 2008
north palm beach
hello i'm the guy who's moving and has way too many questions, you know.... the annoying one, any way......

i've been looking up garden eels some websites say reef safe, some say reef safe with cauthion, and still others say not reef safe. whach is it? does anyone have any experience with them?

what about the 4 1/2 inch flash light fish? are they reef safe? any experience?

thanks for the help

i also have a moving forum going on so i welcom your help with that:):):):):):):):):):):) this smiley facething is annoying!!!:mad:
As far as the eels go, from what I have read you pretty much want to keep them in a species only tank with other garen's. It is a very docile eel and they just catch food floating by, so you defenently don't wan't any fish that eat aggressively.

Hope that helps you out a little bit, and good luck with flashlight info :)

the fish that i would have wouldn't be aggressive eaters, and i would have a whole bunch of macro algeas, and i have a 30 gallon i plan on converting into a refugium, and a 10 i plan on coverting to an .......oh i forget the term its an alea filter? uses algea to filter bad stuff out of tank. (i know i must sound like an idiot but i'm not, i'm much better than that, i'm a moron)

would they be stung by my anemone or would they have the sense to swim away?