FedEx Rant

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Apr 8, 2005
Everett, WA
I ordered my bulkheads from CustomAquatic last week with a scheduled delivery date of 4/10 through FedEx. I was watching the tracking information and it said it was out for delivery. I waited around my office until 5:30 and no delivery. I come in the next day and the tracking says they tried to deliver at 6:55pm and nobody was available.

I called FedEx and they told me that CustomAquatic had used FedEx Home Delivery which can deliver as late as 8pm. I called and sent emails trying to get them to come earlier as our office cannot easily take deliveries after 5. They are unwilling to help me out so I decided to wait in the loading dock/delivery area of our building for the driver.

6:30pm rolls around and still no FedEx. I decided to check the tracking on my Blackberry and it showed that a delivery attempt was made at 6:12pm and nobody was available to accept the package. Now I know this is false as I was standing there waiting for the truck to show up.

I called the customer service line and explained my situation. I started getting a little bit snippy with the lady because she was not being helpful at all. She sends me off to a manager who tried to contact the delivery center, but by this time everyone was gone. I tried to call the delivery center myself and got their voice mail. This was about 9am this morning and I have not received a call back yet.

I don't want to waste another night waiting for a driver which may or may not show up. Today will be the last delivery attempt before the package is sent back as undeliverable. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do at this point? I am not sure what recourse I have here.

ok, I have to lurk on this as I have not had a problem with FedEx so far. Oh and I get meds from fed ex
See if they can keep it at the fedex location and go and pick it up from there. I have to do that a lot since most of the deliveries i get are while i am at work.
I love posting a big sign on my door saying I am home for signature only to have them not even ring the doorbell. The dogs barking advise me of an arrival. I get the goods just as the truck pulls away but my lack of signature voids any arrive alive guarantee. Thankfully I didn't need the guarantee but I would have liked it just the same. I'm sure I payed for it via higher prices. My latest ricordia were in a box marked perishable. It appears to have been refrigerated. The bag temp was approx 62-64F. That is quite the drop from tropical in a well insulated box that was 18 hours from data transmitted to package delivered. Again the dogs are the only indicator that a package arrived. Sorry to hijack. I needed to vent. Wish I could help you with your dilemma but it is just one more example of their dedication to piss poor service. :mad:
I had a Fed Ex hassle yesterday where they didn't deliver a 24 hr guaranteed delivery to my office. The only reason I found out is because the vendor checked and found the package sitting at the Fed Ex station, and he let me know. When I called about it, I was transferred to 3 different people and received 3 different excuses for why the package was not delivered:
1. package arrived at dispatch after the truck had left
2. incorrect zipcode
3. weather problems at hub caused a delay. (Come on! A weather delay between California and Seattle? I don't think so!)

As it was, I cancelled a meeting, left work to go pick up my package (corals). Luckily, the heat pack was still in order and the corals were okay.

For your situation I would call Fed Ex back and ask to speak to a supervisor. Say that you have a complaint with how your issue has been handled.
3. weather problems at hub caused a delay. (Come on! A weather delay between California and Seattle? I don't think so!)

It doesn't matter where you ship from, it goes thru Memphis, Tennessee. The way I figure it is, .................. well, I had better be quiet. I haven't ever had any issues with Fed Ex, and I have used them alot.
lavenderfish that happens to us ALL the time!!! They don't even ring the bell, ok with meds not ok with live stuff!

It doesn't matter where you ship from, it goes thru Memphis, Tennessee. The way I figure it is, .................. well, I had better be quiet. I haven't ever had any issues with Fed Ex, and I have used them alot.

I heard that Charlie..99% of my stuff comes through FedEx and I have never had any issues.
I've had issues with them at times. I received a notice on my front door that delivery had been attempted, and luckily I read on a little more, and found out that this was their third attempt (but my first notice).

Anyway, it was after 5:00 PM, the package was back at the shipping office, and the address was right there on the slip of papter, so I just went and picked it up.
Well, they delivered today after several calls to FedEx. I got my OceansMotions 4 way in today also. I get to start plumbing my closed loop today or tomorrow.
I had issues with DHL last week. I bought $500 worth of SPS frags from a guy on RC. He shipped priority overnight (by 10:30 next morning) I Check the tracking at 9:00 and it said out for delivery. I check again at 10:30 because I have no package. Still out for delivery? 11:15 I check again and it say delivered at 10:16 and also "signed for" I walk around the house and check all 5 exterior doors. No package. I walk to the house next door and check. No package. I call DHL and they basically tell me I am lying because I signed for it. My response was tell the SOB that says I signed for it come to my house and tell me I signed for it. Then the story changed to they left it at the front door. They said they would call me back. about 1 hr later DHL brings me my package. They had delivered it to someones house about a mile away. I guess the point of my rant is it happens with all of them. I have FedEx and UPS stories too.
Heck, even the post office sucks. They snapped a $2000 guitar in half and said it wasn't their fault, go figure. But I've used fedex for many overnight deliveries and haven't had an issue...yet.
I also have stories from everyone, except UPS...But that guy is the same every time and he has been dealing with me for years.

I think that instead of blaming the companies so much, it should be on the deliverers them selves. If they dont want to take there job serious enough, they shouldnt do it since there are thousands of people that rely on them every day.

Just my thoughts.

I have to agree. It is the driver who ignores the sign on the door, refuses to ring the bell and doesn't seek a supposedly required signature. That is not Fedex, that is my ignorant dumb-f&*^ of a driver.:mad:
True...but when they put on that uniform, they represent the company and the company is ultimately responsible for quality control. It reflects poorly on the company if they don't get a handle on lackadaisical employees...which most companys I'm sure are not in short supply of.
I always just have the package held at the store so I am not at the mercy of the delivery person.
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