Finally, room for fish and corals

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Power center that will be under the tank at the back by the overflow dry boxes.



Garage ventilation run by a thermostat and humidistat.








The refugiums and their plumbing.




I've added more sand to the DSB portion of the fuge than is in this original picture.



The top layer is Seachem Gray Coast.

Bench for the water containers. The table is 26" tall so that I can gravity feed new saltwater for water changes.



My drain setup for the frag tank.


I/O box for float switches on the ACIII Pro.

Here's the stand and floating canopy in the house. I still have to skin the canopy (hopefully the first week of November) and get everything powder coated.




This is where the linear actuator sits so that I can lift and lower my canopy.



Some peg board (Thanks to Clear Fabrications / Jason Gregory ) to lift my live rock up off the bottom of the tank.


In tank flow is going to be 2 Tunze 6101's on the bottom and 2 Tunze 6201's on the top. I'll also have either an additonal 6101 or 2 modded 6025's at the back wall for flow.




Here's a picture of the drain and return area.

wowwa wooey! this is amazing and inspring. Matt - I've been doing a lot of reading up lately on the importance of upstream refugiums to help feed SPS. Of course Calfo has been the main publisher of these articles who of course is a big beleiver. Your refugiums are huge. I currently don't have a refugium tapped into my system.

What are your thoughts on the importance of these and what type of decision making did you go through to design yours?
I put 3 coats of Polycrylic on each one of these sheets. The top one is for the water containers to sit on. The middle three pieces go inside the stand on the bottom. I will then have a sheet of abs plastic that sits on top of them to make it look seemless. The bottom sheet is for the tank to sit on.


Another drain fitting pic.



Return fitting. I will be putting a Oceans Motion Omni Flex nozzle on the wet side.
Well that's all I have for right now. I will plan on keeping this thread up to date along with the RC thread.

I'm getting my canopy skin back next week from the sheet metal guy. I will then be able to cut holes for fan ventilation and have everything powder coated at once.

From there I can then bring the tank into the house. That will be an exciting day.


I have run tanks with them and without them. I have always been more successful with a refugium attached, even if it's small.

The goal with my system is to have multiple zones. I believe if I can replicate an actual reef in a small way I think I can be even more sucsessful than those tanks I've had with only macro algae. So with that said, I will have a DSB, Macro, Medium flow Sponge/Tunicate, and Slow flow Sponge/Tunicate (aka Steve Tyree). I will be putting Fiji Tatoka rock in the sponge fuges and then seeding them with Tyree's seed rocks. As you can see I have blacked out three of the fuges from light so that algaes will be discouraged. I also put ball valves on the returns so that I could tune each system or disconnect it if I think it affecting the system in an ill fashion.

I also put the fuge drain down stream of the skimmer in an effort to get the zooplankton into my display system. Oh, and each refugium is apprx. 55 gallons.
Very nice! Love to see ideas at work. Far too often reefers become complacent with systems, then along comes an innovative idea. Great Job! The combination of a variety of systems...Love it!
amazeing! i like it alot... more ideas for my self when i build a house....

see that weld on that aluminum tubeing.... nice!
hey bricky explain the whole back false wall approach and why/how it works. Also how the tunzes fit in? I'm assuming this concept is from elos?
hey bricky explain the whole back false wall approach and why/how it works. Also how the tunzes fit in? I'm assuming this concept is from elos?

bbehring -

When I originally designed the tank I was wanting to put streams in, but who wants to see those beasts? Not me. I had asked Elos to make a false wall that was removable so that I could put my streams behind it. Well, this is what they came up with. I love it and I'm glad I had them do it.


As you can see there are six ports that fit the larger streams perfectly. All I have to do is cut out the slats where I want my stream. For mounting them I'm using the magnets that Tunze offers (3/4" version). With this I'm able to move the stream up and down and left to right to suit my needs.



Here's the area where the body of the pumps will sit. They get some water from the lower smaller ports and the rest because they sit a little beyond the false wall.


I do need to give the credit to Elos for making this work as it was just an idea on my part and they ran with it. With the pump attached to the magnet each stream only stick out from the false wall about 1".

The slats in the middle at the top will allow surface water to flow behind the wall so that it can find its way to the drain bulkheads.

I hope I answered your question.