Float switch troubles

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The R/C Man

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
Spokane WA

Well I have installed a solenoid for my RO/DI to top of my tank when the float switch drops a bit. Unfortunately the switch is to sensitive and causes the relay to chatter. I have installed the switch inside a piece of PVC to keep down the water movement to no evail. These switches worked great when operating a pump for topping off. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix it?

Can you extend the the float out so it is longer and has to travel more to make the switch make a connection? Just a thought.
Also the possibilty of a S shaped arm. It works on race car throttles to give more throw and finer control. HTH in some way Steve
I looked at it and I am up a tree on this one. LOL I dont know how to wire or make a delay circuit. I would guess that would do, If it had to keep the contacts closed or open for 2 seconds to operate the relay. I just dont have any idea how or what would do that for you. Sorry man. Steve

A time delay sounds like a good idea... I will try to find a way to do that. In the mean time do you think adding some weight to the float will help?
I used to have a similar float switch that I got from Granger. It was a little bit bigger but very similar in design. I had to put a cage around mine to make it work without tripping a relay all the time. I felt uncomfortable using 120 through the little puppy so I setup a 12v relay system. Anyways after it got some algae growing on it the problem went away. Another issue I had with it was a snail or urchin would and could make it think it needed to fill indefinetly thus dumping 10 gallons of water on the floor. This was another reason I built a cage around it. I used lighting grate (that white grid stuff) but I think you could use acrylic or something with some slits in it to really reduce any ups and downs. In my case wave action was my worst enemy. I hope this helps.


You mean flip over the float and then turn the whole switch upside down?


If the flip thing doesn't work I might try eclosing the switch with just a couple of holes drilled into the pvc. That should just about eliminate any bobing...